Chapter 18 Love And Longing

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Chapter 18

Love And Longing

Jareth's POV

Diner was quiet after the news about Karen being Dark Fae had been discovered.

Sarah had stayed quiet trying to process the news, I believe her father was trying too, but I don't think he really knew what he was trying to understand. The only sound at the table was Toby, making his gurgling, gibberish noises as usual. Toby was sat to my right playing with his fork. I tickled his cheek, causing him to laugh. Sarah looked up at me. I really wi... no... want to know what is going through her brain, but I promised myself I wouldn't go looking through her head without her permission.

That's it. Her head.

'Are you ok Sarah?' I asked her in her head as to not disrupt her father.

She looked up, but all she saw was me eating my food. I looked at her sideways and she understood. She looked back down towards her food.

'I have quite often looked at Karen and thought she is not human... but this is different... she is actually not human."

I reached under the table and put my hand on her leg rubbing it calmly. I hoped she didn't take this the wrong way, but it was the best way I could think to calm her down.

I was relieved when she put her own hand on top of mine and ran over the back of it with her thumb.

After diner we all excused ourselves. Sarah's father, I really need to start calling him Robert, walked back to his quarters with Toby, still a bit distant. But I can't really blame him. He's been with Karen for 13 years now.

Me and Sarah walked down the hallways.

I had no idea where we were going, I was just following her.

When we approached a door I began to realise where we were. She opened the door and walked into my chambers as if they were her own. She walked over to the bed and sat on the edge. I shut the door, then walked over and sat to her right.

I turned towards her slightly, bringing my leg on to the bed folded flat in front of me.

I pulled a strand of her hair out of her face and tucked it behind her ear and she leant into my hand.

I put my other hand on her leg again as she started kissing me. She turned inwards the same way I had and put her hand on my cheek.

That put more space between us, and I couldn't have that.

I took my left hand from her face and tucked it around her back, then took my right hand from her leg and used it to steady myself as I leant into her, pushing her back onto the bed.

I was happy here. When we finally came up for breath, we stayed with our lips touching. I could feel the hot air from her lungs panting into my mouth. Soon we began kissing again. Lying against her chest, between her slightly raised legs, I flicked her lip with my tongue, asking for access to her mouth. She agreed. She had barely opened her lips a crack before I had slipped my tongue in. kissing her deeper.

She tasted so sweet.

I stabilised myself with my left hand and used my now free right hand to hold on to her left let that was raised against higher against myside.

She put her hands up my shirt and I groaned a bit.

Obviously satisfied by my reaction she pushed her hands up further and, though I did not want to, I pulled away. Turning my back to her.

"What's wrong?" she asked, sitting up behind me, wrapping her arms around my waist.

I leant back into her. "We can't do this."

"Why not?" I could hear the upset in her voice, she thought I didn't want her.

I turned in her arms to face her, wrapping my own arms around her waist.

"Oh I want to, believe me I want to so much..." I said pressing my forehead to hers.

"Then why?"

"Because if we do... Chances are you'll be stuck here forever."

Hi guys. Thought you'd like a little chapter of love and longing. Also thought I'd wind you up a little with it. I don't really know why I wrote this chapter, and why I wrote it here, but I did, and its staying. Let me know what you think.

Also a big thanks to Jarethismyking, for voting for my chapters. And Pixies56 for following me.

Remember, I like to know what you guys think so comments are always welcomed.

Thanks for reading.

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