Chapter 19 Diner With The Family

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Chapter 19

Diner With The Family

Sarah's POV

Sat in my own room now, all I could think about was what Jareth had said. The words kept running over and over in my head, as if it were a broken record.

** flash back **

"Chances are, you'll be stuck here forever." He said, his fore head pressed against my own. I leaned back. "What do you mean?" I asked, still panting from before.

"Sarah," He said, looking me in the eyes. He looked so heart broken. "You must understand. In this world, sharing your self with another is one of the highest levels of binding. It is permanent. If we were to continue, we would be bound together and, because of my immortality, the binding would turn you into a Fae. You would no longer be human. And that might stop you ever being able to go home." He stood and walked over to the window.

I walked up behind him and wrapped my arms around his waist, resting my head against his back.

I had already admitted to my self that I had feelings for Jareth, but I wasn't sure what they were. But when we started kissing, it felt so right. I knew.

Jareth turned around and wrapped his arms around me. We stayed like that until the sun rose, and he walked me back to my room.

I didn't really want to stay in my own room, I wanted to stay with him. This is the second night I have slept alone since we got here almost a month ago.

** present tense **

I stood from the window sill and walked over to the wardrobe. Jareth was inviting his family over for diner with us. I had been asked to wear a diner dress, which I had no idea how to put on.

I walked over to the section of dresses that were label 'diner dresses' and began to look through them.

In the end I was stuck between two dresses.

One was an earthy green colour, with sleeves that show the top of my shoulder and hang to the floor, with a delicate pattern on the front.

The other was a puffy black dress with neon blue lace around the top and falling down one side.

I'm not wearing a black puffy dress to diner.

The green one it is.

The dress was simple enough to get on, but it had a lace up back which, even if I did know how to do, I doubt I would be able to do it my self.

At that moment a young woman walked through the door to my room and poked her head around the wardrobe door.

"Good evening. " She said, smiling when she saw me. "My name is Areyn."

"Oh your Jareth's sister." I said, but not relaxing from my startled stance.

"Yes, do you need some help?" She asked, pointing to my dress.

"Eah... Yes... Please." I said, a little embarrassed.

She walked to the back of my dress and started lacing it up.

"Don't worry Sarah. Jareth told me you don't wear these dresses anymore in the human world, and anyway, I didn't learn how to do these up until I was 600, and I wore them every day."

That cheered me up. She was nice, in these few minutes I decided I liked her.

"There. All done." She said stepping away.

"Thank you, I'm 93% sure you've just saved me from making a total fool of myself."

She laughed. "Don't worry about it. Now, shall I do your hair?" she asked, though I'm pretty sure it was a rhetorical question.

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