Chapter 22 Could I, Should I, Would I.

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Chapter 22

Could I, Should I, Would I.

Jareth's POV

I have to tell her. I owe her everything, I owe her my life.

I have no right to keep it from her.

But if I tell her she will leave. I want her to stay with me.

Maybe I don't tell her... no... it wouldn't be fair on her of I didn't.

It would make me a monster.

I thought of all the dreams I had in those lonely six months when Sarah was not here.

Me and Sarah kissing as the white meterial of her wedding dress floated in the breeze.

Me and Sarah laying in bed, My hand resting on her large stomach as we were expecting our first child.

Me, Sarah and her friends sat in front of the fountain watching out child run around chasing after ambrocious.

Me and Sarah dancing at a ball, our child balanced in our arms as we danced as a three.

Then I thought about the nightmares I had, before and after she came back.

Sarah, standing over me, telling me she never had and never will love me as she drew a blade and killed me with it.

Me standing over Sarah's grave in the mortal world as though she had never come back.

Sarah leaving me, and never returning.

The one where Sarah was being swallowed by the ground, in the nightmare at Vailan's castle.

And then there was the worst one. The most dominant.

Vailan dragging Sarah away, back to his castle... where he chained her up and....

No... stop. That's enough.

This is all just a big game of,

Could I, should I, would I.

No matter what happens, no matter how she takes it, I have to tell her...

I have to tell her I have found a way for her to leave the Labyrinth. A way for her to return home.

Hi guys, I know how short this is but, if I can get one written before my hands give in on me, I will upload another tonight. Also, don't the me for this chapter, I know it's really mean but... I don't he a but it's just plain mean...

And for those of you who got the 'Should I, Would I, Could I.' Being a Farscape episode, virtual high 5, I love you guys, just like I have always loved that expression.

Remember, comments are always welcomed.

Thanks for reading


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