Chapter 45 I Love You Goblin King

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Chapter 45

I Love You Goblin King

Sarah's POV

I laid in bed with Jareth for a little longer than we normally would have. But I didn't want to leave him, and I had a feeling he didn't want to leave me.

He was running rings around the small of my back as usual and I sighed into his bare chest.

He laughed lightly and kissed he top of my head.

I was glad I could still be this close to Jareth, even if I couldn't sleep with him yet after what Vailan did.

"Sarah?" He started, and I knew where this was going. "We need to get up."

I groaned and buried my head in his chest. My hair falling around my face so I wouldn't be able to see anything even if my eyes were open. "Do we have to?"

"Yes. We need to let everyone back into the city, remember. All the goblins are shut in the Labyrinth. They don't even know we've won."

He was right, of course.

After we lost the charge on the castle and were taken prisoner, Jareth had asked the Castle to tell the goblins to retreat to the Labyrinth. They didn't know that we had won the war or were back in charge.

"Fine." I said, over exaggeratingly sighing and he laughed.

He helped me out of bed and handed me a dress from the wardrobe to get changed into as he got out his own clothes. We had taken to getting dressed without magic when we weren't in a hurry. It made us feel more... Normal... I don't know, maybe it was just me who thought so.

Jareth passed me a pair of black shoes to go with the short black and white summer dress I was wearing. Though he had put a spell on all my heels to feel like running shoes, I was happy for the flats.

He took my arm and we walked out of the door and down the hallways towards the throne room. When we got there, everything was back to where it had been before.

The Castle moved it. It hated the way Vailan had the place so, as soon as he was gone, the Castle reverted back to its old self. Jareth explained in my mind.

Oh. Good, I like it this way.

He smiled and we walked over to the balcony doors.

We looked out over the Labyrinth and I sighed. It was actually rather beautiful. The obsessive walls that moved when you weren't looking. The hedge maze that followed on, but somehow did not link to the stone walls. I would have to set out one day and explore this place. If I got lost I could just take all the left turns and get back to the castle. It would be nice to be able to sit and talk to the Labyrinth all day.

I looked to my side and saw Jareth looking over to the horizon as I just had.

"When will we tell them?" I asked Jareth and he turned to face me.

"Soon love. But first, I have something I must take care of."

I tried to hide the disappointment from my face as I realised, that meant he was leaving me alone for a while.

He walked over to me and took my hands in his.

"Sarah. When we first met you were this infuriating and childish girl whose only view of life was 'it's not fair.' And you crushed the world I offered you. But when you came back I was scared. I was scared that you might break my heart again. But when you helped me, I saw it in your eyes would never do that to me again.

When I first kissed you, all the air left my lungs. Not because I was so mundanely out of breath, but because I didn't need it. You were the only air I needed. You, were the only thing holding me to the floor. Not gravity, not mass, but you. It took me a while to realise it for myself, but I love you Sarah. And I have loved you since the moment I laid eyes on you."

I smiled and he ran his thumb over my knuckles.

"I want to wake up to see your face lying beside mine on the pillow.

I want your eyes, to be the first eyes I see in a morning.

Their beautiful emerald colour lighting my day.

I want you in my arms every moment of every day.

I asked you for forever, and you gave me eternity.

So now I ask one more thing of you."

He got down on one knee and I gasped.

"Sarah Mary Louise Campbell Williams, would you do me, the extraordinary honor, of becoming my wife, my queen, my love, my soul."

Rather than respond, I tackled him into a kiss with such force, I knocked us both back on to the hard rock floor.

Jareth rolled us over, pressing my back hard against the cold stone as he kissed me harder.

He pulled back slightly, just enough to talk.

"Shall I take that as a yes?"

I flicked playfully at his lip, and he opened them a crack, smiling and encouraging me to do it again.

I obliged and flicked again, then replied.

"Yes. Jareth Everild, the keeper of my heart and soul, and the only man I will ever love. Yes." I repeated, breathing the last word rather than speaking it and he kissed me again.

He laid between my legs on the cold ground, kissing me passionately.

"I love you Goblin King."

He smiled against my lips and replied.

"Oh god how I love you Goblin Queen."

After a little while longer kissing, he helped me up.

We stood looking over the Labyrinth once again. He took my hand and I rest my head on his shoulder.

"Shall we let them in?" He asked and I nodded lightly.

He kissed the top if my head and the walls of the Labyrinth crumbled back to life, changing over and over again, always moving.

The gates to The Goblin City opened and thousands of cheering goblins came pouring through.

The goblins looked up at the balcony we were on and silenced.

"Did you do it sire?! Did you ask the pretty lady?!" I heard a little goblin yell. Looking towards the source of the voice, I recognised the goblin. Freya.

"You told her?" I asked, looking over at him confused and he smiled.

"Who do you think, helped me find this?" He held out a ring box, with a very beautiful ring inside. "It was my mothers."

It was a thin band of very detailed ivy leaves. Each one joined to the other to make a perfect ring.

He lifted our linked hands and placed the ring box in his palm, never letting go of my hand. He took the ring out with his free hand and lifted my left, where he placed the ring on my finger and kissed me.

Cheers erupted from the crowd below, but I wasn't fazed. I had Jareth. I loved him, and he loved me, that was all that mattered.

Hi Guys, Not sure as to whether or not this chapter will be the last of this story or not, but don't worry. At the end of the story I will add some chapter notes with the name of the sequel, which will be updated to the same routine as this one.

I just want to thank you all for staying with me through these 45 chapters. I have made some amazing friends on this site, which makes me really happy. One of my friends who I talk to regularly and have so much in common with. Thanks again Guys.

Thank You So Much For Reading


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