Chapter 27 Aboveground

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Chapter 27


Sarah's POV

When we arrived in the aboveground, I was confused as to where I was. Then I realised, I was in my family home.

Wow, maybe this place really never was home.

I walked upstairs to get some jeans.

To hell with the fancy dresses.

I turned and saw Ruby stood in my bedroom doorway.

"Your father is in the kitchen with Toby." I nodded.

"Sarah, I talked with Jareth earlier and we agreed that it would be a good idea and, if its ok with you, I would like to make Toby one of my charges, and watch over him in the human world until he is 18." I sat down on the bed and she sat beside me.

"Let me explain. I would pose as a relative, probably an aunt, and watch over him, keeping him safe."

"Would he know you're not his real aunt?"

"That's up to you. We can either tell him that I'm his aunt and leave it there, he'll never know that I am not and, sadly, that the Labyrinth exist. Or, when he gets a little older, tell him I am not his real aunt and bring him to the labyrinth to see you. Or something along those lines. I would like to tell him the stories of the Labyrinth, and about his brave sister who beat The Goblin King and became Lady Of The Labyrinth. If that's ok with you."

"Shouldn't this all be up to my father to decide."

She shook her head. "Your father said to ask you. He said, quote, 'Ask Sarah, I trust her to know more about the safety of the Labyrinth than me'. "

"Can Toby come all the time? Like on aboveground weekends and stuff?" I suddenly realised how much I would miss Toby. Ruby put a hand on my shoulder.

"Sure, If you get Jareth to call me when you want to see him and, so long as he's not in school, because his education is NOT going to slip because of me." She grinned. "I'll bring him to you. Your father too, if you want. That way Toby grows up with his sister and the Labyrinth knowing I'm not his aunt but understands why people need to think that."

I nodded. "Thank you."

"One more thing. Because it's you and you are like family to me, I will also look after your father too, and help him in life without Karen."

God I had forgotten about Karen.

"Thank you." Ruby nodded and left my room.

At least I'll still get to see Toby.

I walked downstairs and my father looked up. "Sarah." He said smiling.

"Hi dad."

He hugged me and sat back down at the table. I stood opposite, smiling at Toby.

I felt a painful twang in my stomach. Then Ruby burst in from outside. She looked so... Scared...

"Sarah! It's Jareth!"

Hi Guys, sorry about the chapter. But, do not fear, I will never hear the end of it, Lou has got your back when it comes to shouting at me. Haven't you Lou ;-)

Comments are welcomed and, reading back, I have seen some spelling mistakes that have slipped through my second checks, but that's just because I can't see them. Please let me know if you spot one.

Also, a big thanks to JarethIsMyKing1986 for commenting, telling me my spelling mistakes and voting for my chapter. Glad to see you caught up. :-)

Thanks for reading


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