Chapter 5: Positive?Negative?Pulled?

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**Time Skip**

It's been around five months since you started to date Billie and things couldn't have been better. He did some extended touring with Green Day,  and invited you along to be his assistant. Obviously, you loved every minute of it. You even gave a bit more than a towel, and a bottle of water backstage.

This was the happiest you'd ever been and had hoped that Billie had felt the same way, although according to Tré and Mike that exactly how he felt. "You're all he talks about (Y/N) but we don't mind, it's great to finally see Billie happy." 

Tonight was the final show that they were doing, and you had just arrived. You couldn't see Billie waiting backstage so you decided to go, and head towards  his dressing room. If he wasn't backstage then, he'd probably be in his dressing room. 

The door was open slightly, Billie, Mike and Tré where sat having, what looked like a private conversation. You hid behind the door frame as Billie said "So you think I should ask her? And you think she'll say yes?"

Mike and Tré smiled at one another before looking back at Billie. "Billie, are you crazy? Of course she will." said Mike.  

"She'd be crazy to say no."  Tré added. Billie smiled, before he began to stand up.

"She'll be here any minute now." He said, running his hand through his hair. "I'd better go and wait for her." Your eyes widen as you run back down the corridor and wait till you hear them leaving Billie's dressing room.  His footsteps are your signal to walk back around the corner towards Billie, Mike, and Tré.

Billie ran towards you and hugged you tight as well as kissing the top of your head. "Hey babe. When did you get here?" Billie asked, his eyes sparkling as he looked at you. 

"Just now." You lied. "I went backstage first because I wasn't sure where you'd be." You smiled as Billie pulled you even tighter. "You got yourself a keeper Billie." Tré smiled at the both of them before he left the dressing room. "Never let her go!" Mike winked at Billie, before he followed Tré. 

The wink made you suspicious, but you decided to ignore it. You and Billie went into his dressing room. 

"What's the matter?" asked Billie, closing the door behind him. 

"Nothing. How come?" You replied. 

"You just look a bit pale." He stated, as you took a sip of water. He looked at you; worry was spread across his face. 

"Oh, I didn't really get that much sleep last night." You told him, wanting the subject to change. "Well, don't worry. We can have a lie-in tomorrow without having to worry about going anywhere." He smiled, before going to grab something from the other side of his dressing room. You didn't want to admit that something was wrong, you been throwing up all morning and you never get sick. You start searching your bag for the eyeliner you went and bought Billie before you headed to the venue, but instead you pull it out. The pregnancy test that you'd bought as well. You had suspicions that you were pregnant; you never get sick. 

You hear Billie walking over to you, so you quickly try to hide it. "Did you manage to pick up th-"

"The eyeliner? Yes!" You laugh, pulling it out of your bag as if by magic.

"Thank you baby." He kissed you and placed his hands on your waist. "I love you."

"I love you too ." You smile and kiss him back before turning back to face your handbag. "Oh. Babe, I bought two eyeliners because there was a sale--"  You turned round, eyeliner in hand, to see Billie on one knee holding a with a ring in it. You couldn't help but laugh, thinking he was joking, until you realise he was being serious. 

"(Y/N) I'm madly in love with you. I know we've only been dating a few months. I know that I want to spend--"

"Yes! Yes! Yes!" You say, immediately. 

"You didn't let me finish." He smiled as you placed your hands on your mouth and apologising. 

"(Y/n). I want to spend the rest of my life with you. So, will you marry me?"

"Yes, Billie." You said, excitedly.

Billie's smile widened. He stood up and skilfully placed the ring on your finger, as he shook slightly. For a moment you completely forgot about the fact that you might be pregnant but as soon as you and Billie headed out of the dressing room, you decided that you needed to know. 

Positive or Negative?

"Babe, I left something in the room. I'll meet you by the stage."

You kissed him again and ran back to the room, grabbing you bag and then heading straight to the ladies bathroom. You were now desperate for an answer. After doing exactly what the test says and waiting a minute, you look at the test. " I'm pregnant...." You said, breathlessly.  After another minute of trying to process the new information you had just received, you wrap the test in tissue and place it in your bag.

The show was due to start any minute, so you had to hurry. One way or another you knew you had to try and tell Billie you were pregnant. You arrived just as Billie was due to go on. "Babe, I love you. You've made me such a happy man!" He kissed you,  then ran onto the stage. The crowd screaming. 

"Hey (Y/n), congratulations!" Said Tré and Mike before following Billie onto the stage. Then suddenly it all sank in, everything, you got engaged and found out you were expecting all in one night.  You were beginning to crumble and starting to panic about becoming a mother and becoming someone's wife. Then, before you knew it, you were crying.  The makeup was running down your face. You felt so embarrassed, and didn't want anyone, escpecially Billie to see you this way. 

You began running back towards the corridor that led to the dressing rooms, covering your face with your hands so no-one could see the mess your running make up had made. At the end of the corridor was a set of chairs. You collapsed into one, your hands still protecting your face.

You didn't think that you had been there for very long, until you heard Billie's voice. "Babe. Are you okay?" You had spent the whole show, sat in this corridor crying. 

Within a second you shot up and threw you arms around Billie's neck. "Billie. I'm sorry, please don't leave me. I need you." You sobbed, not sure what to say to him.

"Hey, come here." He held you tight in his arms. "I'm not gonna leave you. Why would you think that?" You figured this was the best time to break the news, otherwise you wouldn't tell him at all. "Billie, I'm pregnant."

His eyes widened. "What?!" You reached into your bag and pulled out the test. You gave it to him. He stared at it for a minute or to before hugging you tight. "This is great news baby. I wouldn't ever leave you."

Tré and Mike came round the corner. "What's all this then? Why weren't we invited to the group hug?" Asked Mike, holding out his arms. Tré noticed the Pregnancy test in Billie hand. "You get engaged to her and get her pregnant. Respect!" He say holding up his fist to Billie. "If I'm not the favourite godfather, I'll  be so offended."  You could help but laugh. You were going to be okay. 

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