Chapter 16: Nuclear Family

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You and (Y/b/f/n) had been discussing wedding details all morning as Billie, Trè and Mike were all at band practice. Amelia had stayed at Ollie's the night before, and she was due back that afternoon. However the only things stopping you from actually discussing wedding details was the fact that you had to keep running to the bathroom, obviously to throw up, due to your morning sickness, but you just told (Y/b/f/n) that you were feeling a little bit under the weather. 

You weren't going to say anything yet because you and Billie decided to keep the good news to yourself, at least until after 12 week scan, because when you found out you were pregnant with Amelia, everyone found out pretty much straight away, and didn't give you the chance to really experience the initial excitement together. 

"Are you okay, (Y/n)?" Asked (Y/b/f/n), as you came back from the bathroom, for what felt like the hundredth time this morning. "Yeah. Like I said, I'm not feeling well at the minute. The copious amounts of water to try and get rid of my headache doesn't help either." You said, smiling. This wasn't technically a lie; you had a horrendous headache.  You continued to look at the magazines that were spread all over the table, flicking through the glossy pages. You felt her eyes on you, but continued to look down. You were scared to make eye contact with her, not wanting her to call your bluff. 

"(Y/n)?" She said, finally.

"Yes?" You replied, mustering up the courage, and a smile, to look at her. 

She smiled and scoffed. " You're pregnant again aren't you?" Her tone was harsh, and angry; it made (Y/n) nervous. You weren't sure how to reply, so awkward silence lingered in the air as you desperately searched for an answer.  "No." You said, finally.  A pang of guilt struck through you, but you knew that it was the best thing to lie to her right now. You didn't want to upset her, especially knowing her previous issues with being unable to conceive a child when she was with your brother. You knew her well enough to know how she would react. "You're a liar!" She said, slamming a magazine on the table. "I don't believe this!" She shouted. "Here I am, trying to plan a wedding, my wedding, and here you and Billie are, stealing mine, and Trè's thunder, and rubbing my nose in the fact that you're pregnant again." 

You looked hurt, more because she had decided to involve Billie, who wasn't even in the house. "How are we rubbing your nose it? We weren't going to say anything to anyone until after the twelve weeks scan, because me and Billie wanted to keep it a surprise. We didn't want to steal anyone's thunder." You stopped and managed to look her in the eye. "Why can't you just be happy for us?"

She scoffed and picked up copious amounts of magazines that were scattered across the coffee table. "This is so typical of you, isn't it (Y/n)? Well you know what? Don't even bother coming to the wedding!" There was silence. "And you can stay away from us too; you and the nuclear family that you and Billie are creating."  And with that she stormed out the door and drove away. 

You sat for a while, crying every now and again. You didn't mean to hurt anyone and you didn't really know what you'd done." When Billie came home you were in tears. "Hey, baby? What's the matter? Come here." He stroked your head. "Tell me what happened."  You told him the whole story; how you had been sick, (Y/b/f/n) had questioned you about being pregnant, and upon finding out that you were, she'd kicked off at you and Billie, telling you both to stay away, and storming out. Throughout your telling of the story, tears streamed down you face, and on several occasions, Billie had to try and get you to calm down, worried that your state would affect the baby.

When you finished he declared, "I'll ring Trè. Don't worry babe, I'll sort it." He picked up his phone and dialled Trè's number. "This is completely unacceptable." He said before Trè answered the phone. "Trè, we need to talk." 

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