Chapter 8: Officially a family

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It had been over 5 months since the wedding and you were due any day now. Of course you were nervous, who wouldn't be? Billie didn't seem to be nervous, however he wasn't the one who was going to be giving birth, although you had warned him of the chance that you might break his hand in the process of labour. You cuddled up to Billie on the sofa, placing you head on his chest. You could hear his heart beating; it was perfect - he was perfect and you knew he was going to make an amazing dad.

Honestly, you weren't sure that you were going to be a good mother, despite Billie constantly telling you differently. It was 19:00 pm and already you seemed to growing tired as you eyes slowly began to close before quickly opening again. You and Billie began discussing what parenthood was going to feel, that's when Billie explained how thrilled he was to have built the baby's crib earlier in your bedroom.

By around half past eight, you knew you had to go to bed. You bid Billie a goodnight before he offered to walk you upstairs. "Honestly Billie, I'm absolutely fine!" You said, before the baby inside you kicked and began to drop a little bit more. "Ow!" Billie smiled and stood up before rubbing your tummy and leading you up the stairs. "I'm fine, honestly Billie." You say as he puts you into bed.

"I don't care. You're my wife and you're carrying our child. I'm going be here always." He kissed you on the forehead and began to leave the room."

"I love you Billie Joe."  You say as he switches off the light. He laughed, " I love you more. "

**3 and a half hours later.**

You stirred in bed before waking up to see Billie fast asleep next to you. You smiled as you  watched his chest as he breathed in and out. Your mouth was dry, so you decided to go, and get some water from downstairs. Slowly, you climbed out of bed, trying not to wake Billie up, before you made your way downstairs.

On reaching the Kitchen, you head for the cupboard with glasses. Reaching up, and taking out a glass, you head for the sink when a pain shoots through your stomach and water exits you in an extremely unpleasant way. You scream out in pain dropping the glass onto the floor, it shatters, and as a result, fragments fly everywhere. 

Foot steps run down the stairs as you clutch your stomach in pain. "(Y/n)? (Y/n), are you okay?What happened?" He said helping you over to the sofa.

"Billie, the baby's coming!!"

"Oh shit, really? What should I do?" He asked, hovering over you.

"Call the midwife!" Billie understood and ran into the other room to call the midwife. Months ago you and Billie decided on a home birth as neither of you liked the hospitals plus you wanted be somewhere comfortable and familiar. Minutes later he came back into the room. "The midwife's on her way." You nodded as you were in to much pain to say anything at all. Billie held you hand and stroked your head. "It's okay. You're okay. I'm going to be right here." 

For the first time ever, you didn't quite believe him. You knew he was there and that was enough, but like every other 'first-time mum' you didn't exactly know what was going to happen to you. That was what scared you the most. You held Billie's hand as he kissed your forehead again. 

Within 20 minutes, the midwife was there to help you get through the birth. It was a little while after she arrived before it was time to begin pushing. Every second of pain seemed worse than the last, and you felt a searing pain running through your body as you pushed hard each time. "Push (Y/n)." Your midwife said. "Push."

"I am pushing." You replied, as tears began to roll down your face. You weren't sure how much more you could do this. "Keep pushing." The midwife continued. If you weren't in the process of pushing a human out of your own body, and in excruciating pain, you'd have hit her.  More tears strolled down your face as you screamed in pain. Billie wiped away the tears and whispered in your ear. "Come on babe. You can do this. I love you. You can do this." 

Within another few long hours, you had given birth to a beautiful baby girl. You let out a sob as Clare handed over your daughter. Billie kissed you on the head and laughed as the baby scratched her nose. "So, what are you going to call her?" Asked Clare, as she watched the two of  you cradling your new born.

You and Billie looked into each others eyes and smiled. "Amelia." You both said in unison. You all laughed as Amelia yawned.

(*A/N - You can change the name of the baby if you want and gender if you prefer.)

You were now officially a family.

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