Chapter 9: The joys of Parenthood

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You felt the bed for Billie but he wasn't there. You shot up, panicking for a second. You reached for the lamp on your bedside table. The bright light lit up the room. You clambered out of bed, checking the cot as you did so. Amelia was sleeping soundly. You smiled, noticing that Amelia looked like Billie when she was sleeping. You decided to check downstairs for Billie. 

You turned off the lamp, so that it didn't wake Amelia and fumbled your way to the door. You crept down stairs and decided to check in the lounge first. As you entered, you saw Billie sitting fast asleep on the sofa. You giggled to yourself, before noticing that Billie was building something on the other side of the room. You kissed Billie on the forehead.  He shifted slightly, before opening his eyes. "Hey sleepy." You said, giggling. He grabbed your hand and pulled you onto his knee. 

He kissed you as you buried your head in his chest.  "What are you building?" You asked, as he moved his hand up and down you leg. "It's a rocking chair for Amelia. I've just finished it." 

You looked up at Billie and smiled. "Amelia's lucky to have a dad like you." Billie smiled and kissed you again. "You're an amazing mum." You smiled. "Just think, we can use the rocking chair again for our next child."

"Oh! Our next child? Pushing your luck a bit aren't you?" You laughed, as Billie grabbed you and flipped you over onto your back and clambered on top of you. You kissed him hard as he moved his hand up your leg and up through your top. 

Amelia began crying on the baby monitor - as though she knew that the two of your were kissing. "Ah, the joys of parenthood! Not being able to kiss your wife at every opportunity you get." You laughed as he climbed off you and headed upstairs. You followed. 

As you reached the bedroom, Billie was already there, comforting your daughter, rubbing her back. Then he reached down, picked up her bottle and began to feed her as he sat down on the bed. You stood in the door frame smiling. You realised that there were many joys of parenthood and that maybe another kid wasn't such a bad idea. Obviously, it was going to be a little while yet. You needed time to heal, before you rushed back into the pain of having a baby. Whilst every minute may have been worth it, you wanted to enjoy this time right now. 

You knew that expanding a family with Billie Joe was something that you craved in the long run. 

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