Chapter 24: Second child?

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**Time Skip**

Ollie had been staying over to look after Amelia and you whilst you were getting ready for labour. You were due a week ago but still nothing had happened. You had felt the baby drop a few times so really it should be any day now. 

Ollie and Billie were downstairs watching TV as you had decided to put on your pyjamas, and get yourself comfy, you could tell you were in for a rough night. You began placing your hair in a pony tail as suddenly, you feel a small pop but that small pop led to a huge amount of pain. 

You screamed, holding your stomach. Lucky you didn't wake Amelia up but both Billie and Ollie suddenly came running up the stairs. 

"Baby?!" Shouted Billie, as he came into the bathroom. 

"My water! It's broke." 

Billie wrapped your arm around his neck, "Mom! Take her arm, we need to get her downstairs and call a midwife."

They both helped you down the stairs as you breathed heavily, the pain searing through your body. 

 You were crying as Billie ran to call the midwife. Ollie held your hand. "Breathe (Y/n). It's going to be okay. We're here, It's okay. Breathe." She stroked your hair as she comforted you. 

Billie ran in and informed you the midwife was on her way. 

Half an hour later she had arrived and again, Clare, who was the midwife when you gave birth to Amelia, was already encouraging you to begin pushing. 

Billie and Ollie were on either side. Both holding your hand as you pushed hard.  You screamed . "(Y/n)! For god's sake, push!" The midwife demanded. 

"Do not start with me." You replied through tears as they streamed down our face and the pain became more unbearable. "I am clearly pushing." 

"Not hard enough!" She screamed back.

"Hey! Don't you dare talk to my daughter-in-law like that! You're meant to be getting this baby out safely! Do your job!" Ollie told her but holding your hand and encouraging you. 

Finally after what felt like hours; "One last push (Y/n)!" You pushed so hard until finally you heard a baby scream. "Congratulations Mr and Mrs Armstrong. It's a boy!" 

Clare handed over your baby. He was so beautiful. Billie smiled. "I told you it was a boy!" He laughed. 

"What are you going to call him?" Asked Ollie, crying as you passed him over to Billie. 

"Joseph Marciano Armstrong." You smiled. 

Billie looked at you. "Marciano." He smiled. "I wish he was here to see this." You nodded. 

"Me too." You replied, as he kissed you "I love you."

"I love you t--!" You screamed again. 

"(Y/n)? Baby?" What's happening?!" Billie said as he handed Joseph to Ollie. 

"Another! You're having twins."  She said. 

"What?" Billie asked. "Twins." 

"That's what I said." The midwife smiled. "Did you not know?" You felt the urge to push again. 

Ollie took Joseph to the other side of the room and minutes later, you give birth to another baby. "Congratulations! It's another boy!" The midwife said as Billie smiled at you. He was crying now. "I'm so proud of you." He said, kissing you. You both now had two little boys and a little girl. You were so happy. 

"Jakob Danger Armstrong." He said, stroking the baby's head. Jakob was a name that you also loved but didn't think you'd ever use it. You laugh. "I love it." Billie kisses you on top of the head.

"I'm so proud of you baby!" He told you again. You began crying as he held the both of you. "What's wrong?"

"I'm so happy." You sobbed as Ollie sat next to you with Joseph. 

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