Chapter 28: I don't think I can do this

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"He's gone!" You sobbed down the phone. 

"(Y/n). Calm down, who's gone?" She spoke calmly. 

"Billie." It broke your heart even more.


"I don't know, he just walked out." You breathed heavily. 

"Right, I'm on my way. Stay calm." With that, Ollie hung up the phone and you ran to the window. Billie had gone. You tried to stay quiet so that Amelia and the boys didn't hear you. Instead you collapsed on the floors, tears streaming down your face. You felt scared and lonely. The only man you had ever cared about, the man who made your life worth living, the man you loved more than anything was gone. You didn't think he was going to come back. 

Your mind began racing, how would you tell Amelia, the boys. You couldn't break their hearts like that.  You didn't want them to experience the pain that you were feeling. You were truly heartbroken and crushed. 

You found yourself attached to the floor, you could barely move. That's when Ollie arrived, luckily she had a key. She came running in and saw you on the floor.

"Oh!" She sat down with you and placed your head on her lap. She stroked you head as you cried.

"I don't think I can do this." You sobbed. "I can't raise these kids on my own." 

She continued to comfort you before asking you what happened. You told her the whole story right up until "'You'll get over it.' and then he walked out and drove off." You cried violently as Ollie passed you another tissue.  

She didn't know what to say, you could tell. "I'm so sorry (Y/n). I really am."

"You don't have to apologize." You said, wiping your eyes for the millionth time.

"No. I do. He's my son and look what he's done to you. Look what he's done to those kids."

"They're heartbroken already. How I am going to explain this to them?" You ask. 

"I don't know. I can't begin to imagine what you're going through." She said, sympathetically. "What brought this on?" 

"I have no idea, one minute we're fine and a happy family the next he's out getting drunk, driving home and walking out. " You sighed and looked at Ollie. "Is he coming back?"

Ollie looked down. "I'm sorry." You said, ashamed. "That's unfair for me to ask that."

"No. You're right. But I don't know the answer, not yet." She paused. "Mike." She said suddenly.

"Mike?" You repeated, clearly confused by her sudden outburst. 

"Have you spoken to Mike? They've been best friends since they were 10. If anyone can talk him around it's Mike." She said, already loving her plan. 

You shook your head. "I could barely talk. He wouldn't have understood a word I was saying."

Ollie shot up and quickly rang Mike. She explained in full detail what had happened, he sent his love to you and promised to find him and talk sense into him. You began to feel sick. What if he didn't want to come back? You began crying again. 

"Thank you Mike." Ollie hung up and ran back over to comfort you. 

"I do think I can do this." You repeated your words from earlier. 

"Yes you can." She said. 

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