Chapter 38: Good, Bad, Sad, and Happy times

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Billie was getting out of bed as you woke up. Last night's argument had made things awkward between the two of you. Once he had left the room, you got into the shower and took as long as you could, you didn't know what to say to him when you went downstairs. 

You didn't want t be the one to ruin his day on the day of the release of his album.  Amelia was already down there when you got there, Joey and Jakob were still fast asleep. 

"Billie." You said, entering the kitchen. "I was so out of line last night. I was upset but that's no excuse."

"No. You were right. We should be here to see Amelia go back to school and we shouldn't be separated, which is why I called my manager and arranged it so that we can all go  until Amelia starts school, come back for a week, see Amelia start school and then have mom look after the kids for a bit and we come back every other week to see them."

You stopped and looked at Billie. "Really?" 

"Yes. I love you and I'd do anything for you." You smiled as he kissed you.

"Ew! Mommy and Daddy are kissing!" Shouted Amelia from the other corner, eating her breakfast. 

You both laughed and so did she. 

You cleared up after Amelia went to play with her toys, once she finished her breakfast. 

You turned around after wiping up Amelia's table, to find Billie on one knee on the floor.

"Billie! What the hell?" 

"(Y/n). Will you Marry me?" 

(*A/n ~ Sorry that this is a short chapter!*)

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