Chapter 18: Waiting

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**Small time skip**

You awoke to the morning sunrise as it glared into your bedroom windows. You were lay on Billie's bare chest, listening to his heart beat. "Morning beautiful." Billie smiled, kissing you. "How are you feeling about today?" He asked.

"Nervous." You admitted, "But excited." You added. Today was Trè and (Y/b/f/n)'s wedding day. You had decided that you weren't going to think about it until you really had too; when (Y/b/f/n) was in your house, getting ready. Whilst the two of you had made up, it didn't change the fact that you were anxious. You continued to tell yourself that it was natural to feel all over the place during pregnancy. "How are you so gorgeous this early in the morning?" Billie asked as he kissed you, you went to kiss him back but you were interrupted when Amelia began to cry. You both let out a small sigh before getting up out of bed, and going to Amelia's room. Billie followed.  He smiled as he picked her up from her bed. He kissed her gently. "Good morning, my beautiful girl!" He cooed as she reached out her hands saying: "Dada. Dada." She smiled up at him. 

You looked over at her wardrobe, and saw the dress that she'd be wearing today. As you tried not to think about the day ahead, someone knocked at the door downstairs. "Oh. That'll be (Y/b/f/n)." You walked downstairs to open the door. You smiled as she came through. "Today's the day!" She screamed, excitedly. "Yeah..." was all you replied with, but thankfully she was to excited to notice how unenthusiastic you were. Billie walked downstairs with Amelia in his arms. 

"God! I didn't realise the time. I'd better get going to Tre's." He kissed you and Amelia. "I'll see you soon. Bye (y/b/f/n)." He gave Amelia to you. 

"Bye Billie!" (Y/b/f/n) shouted from the kitchen.

"I love you." Said Billie, kissing you both again. You smiled. "I love you too. Say goodbye to Daddy Amelia." 

"B b Dada." She replied as he smiled. "Bye bye sweetheart." He said as he stood at the door, before running back to kiss you both again. "Billie, you need to go." You laughed. "I love you." You told him again. "I love you too baby." He said, before finally leaving. You walked into the kitchen, as (Y/b/f/n) sat at the kitchen counter. 

She kept looking at the clock. "Ugh! I've been waiting ages!" She said as you sat Amelia with her toys.  

You smiled, "(Y/b/f/n), there's only two and a half hours." You said, acting as though that wasn't a long time for a bride to be, but for you it felt like years. 

(Y/b/f/n) looked at you. "Where's my dress?" 

"It's in the spare room waiting for you." 

"Will you help me get ready?" She asked, smiling. 

"Yeah. Ollie should be here in a minute, to look after Amelia while we get ready and at the wedding." You smiled, remembering how much you liked Ollie. She was just like Billie, kind, caring and a generally wonderful person. 

(Y/b/f/n) nodded as the doorbell rang. "Yay!" She squealed before running towards the stairs. 

You went to the door and invited Ollie in and took her to Amelia. 

Ollie hugged Amelia before looking at. "Look at you, beautiful. I'm so happy for you!" She told you, like she did every time she saw you. "I can't believe I'm going to get another grandchild."  You smiled. "Billie is so happy." She added as she looked at the picture of you and Billie on your wedding day that sat on the mantle piece of your living room.                                                                                                      

"So am I." You said, looking at the picture with her. 

(Y/n)!" (Y/b/f/n)'s voice brought you back to reality. You took a deep breath and smiled. "Are you okay to watch Amelia while I help (Y/b/f/n)?" 

"Of course, I love looking after my grand-daughter!" She smiled at Amelia, who kept asking "Dada?"

                                                                                                                                                                                               "Thank you, and help yourself to anything." You said, turning to leave the room before Ollie stopped you.  "Good luck up there." You laughed. 

"I'm gong to need it." You said, before heading up the stairs, and towards the spare bedroom. You saw (Y/b/f/n) standing admiring her dress. "I can't believe it, I'm getting married..." She repeated over and over again. 

You did her hair and makeup before she got into her wedding dress. You helped her as she placed on her shoes. You looked at the clock , you had to leave in ten minutes and even you weren't ready. Ollie had got Amelia ready, so you had time to get ready yourself. You rushed to get ready, and to feel somewhat presentable. You helped (Y/b/f/n) down  the stairs, and to the living room. Your phone rang; it was Billie. "Hey baby." He said. 


"You hanging in there?" He asked, catching on to how fed up you were.

"Barely." You laughed. 

"Well, I'm setting you free. Mike's on his way to pick you all up. So I'll see you soon" 

"Okay, I'll tell (y/b/f/n)." 

"I can't wait to see you." He said. 

"You saw me two hours ago." 

"I know but I love you so much." He said, you could tell he was smiling. 

"I love you too." You told him before you hung up. "Mike's on his way." 

Soon enough Mike pulled up outside the house, (Y/b/f/n) got into the car first followed by Ollie then you and Amelia. (Y/b/f/n) began shaking. You held her hand. "Hey, it's okay." She smiled at you. "Thank you, (Y/n), for everything." Mike pulled up outside where they were getting married. "This is it." 

You helped (Y/b/f/n) out of the car. "We'll meet you inside. It's going to be fine. You look beautiful!" You kissed her, and went inside with Amelia and Ollie. You saw Billie at the front, you sat with him. Ollie sat next to you and placed Amelia on her lap. Billie kissed you. "Baby. I've missed you." You laughed, "Again, you saw me too hours ago."

"I can't help it." He replied. "Oh! Mum said she'd have Amelia in her room tonight. So you know what that means." He said, raising his eyebrows. 

"Billie, I'm pregnant!" You whispered not wanting the whole room to hear your conversation. "So?" You laughed. 

"You know, if I could, I would." 

"We'll make out then." He took your hand in his as the whole room stood up and the doors opened, Trè took his place at the front and (Y/b/f/n) glided down the aisle, with Mike, who was the one giving her away. "This is it." Billie said, watching nervously. 

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