Chapter 6: Don't think

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*A/n*: (Y/B/F/n) = Your Best Friend's name    (Y/B/n) = Your Brother's name.


"(Y/n), I don't wanna wait!" Said Billie, sitting up in bed, and looking at you. "If we do then it'll have to be after the baby's born and I can't wait that long." 

"Billie, we can't just expect to have an altar magically appear and get married tomorrow." You say. "There's a lot to think about when planning a wedding anyway."

"Don't think, just do it!" You couldn't deny that Billie was right. You desperately wanted to be married before the baby was born and you were already just about three months pregnant, and you were thankful that you didn't look that pregnant, not yet anyway. 

"Well, what do you suggest we do??" You asked

"I say that I find a vicar who can marry us before the start of next month. You buy a dress, any dress you want, I buy a suit, we only invite close family and friends, get rings and marry in the back yard."

Billie had seriously thought all this through and to you it sounded perfect. Just close family and friends, you didn't want a big, fancy wedding. You just wanted Billie. 

"That sounds perfect." You say, placing you head on his chest as his arm wraps around you.

"Good it's settled then. Today we'll go and get rings and find someone to marry us." He smiled and kissed you on the top of the head. "Who's going to be your bridesmaid?" You had thought about this. "Honestly, I have no idea. I mean, I'd love more than anything for (Y/b/f/n) to be my bridesmaid, but I highly doubt that it'll ever happen. They don't want to know me." You sigh. Billie gave you a quick smile. You sat in bed together for a while before you decided to get a quick shower.

It was nice and hot, just the way you liked it. As you got out of the shower you could hear Billie talking to someone downstairs; it was a woman's voice. You dry yourself off and get dressed, you go for something cute, and flattering. You begin to make your way downstairs and suddenly things go very silent. You enter the kitchen to see Billie stood at the kitchen counter with  woman sat on one of the stools. Billie smiled as the woman turned around. "Oh my god." You're staring at the woman. "(Y/b/f/n)." You say in disbelief, not really able to believe it. It was your childhood best friend, your sister-in-law, the one you thought hated your guts; and she was standing right in front of you. 

You both let out a small scream in unison and hug each other tight. "I'm so sorry for everything (Y/n)! I really am! You have no idea how much I've wanted to talk to you! Your brother wouldn't let me talk to you, he made me lose contact with you but it's over now. Me and him are over now."

She hugged you again. Billie coughed, "I'm going to go out with the guys to buy a suit and someone who'll be willing to marry us. Tré offered, but - well, do I really need to explain." He kissed you on the cheek before leaving.  (Y/b/f/n) smiled. "Oh my god. How are you? What happened with (Y/b/n)?" There was so much catching up to do, and so many things to talk about.  "Me and your brother, we just didn't  get along in the end.  It was fun at first but then he became controlling, and I couldn't take it anymore." She looked at the floor before smiling again, not wanting to bring the mood down. "So, have you got a dress yet?"

"No, not yet." You poured coffee into two mugs before saying "I was going to have a look at some today if you want to come along." (Y/b/f/n) smile suddenly becomes wider. You both take a sip of your coffee and begin talking about everything you've wanted to each other about.  Suddenly Billie runs through the door.  "Found one!" 

"Already?" You asked, shocked. 

"Well, I made a few phone calls, and my mother's friend is going to do it for us." Billie smiled proudly. "When's the wedding then?"(Y/b/f/n) asked. 

"2 weeks today." This led to a moment of total panic. 2 weeks to prepare for a wedding? It didn't seem possible, but then you realised that you and Billie could conquer anything together.  You quickly grab your friends arm and you run towards the door kissing Billie on your way out. "Where are you going?" He asked as Tré and Mike walked in.                                                                      

"To get a dress!" You reply dragging (Y/b/f/n)  behind you. she can't take her eyes off of Tré. He winked at her before you and (Y/b/f/n) head out of the door.

After a few hours of trying on dresses for both you and (Y/b/f/n), you finally decided on the perfect ones, you wanted to make sure you looked absolutely perfect for Billie on your wedding day. During those couple of hours you had come to realise that (Y/b/f/n) was developing a little crush for Tré. After all he was all she had been talking about for the past 2 and a half hours. "Is he single?" She asked as you began heading back home, with a few bags filled with dresses, accessories, make-up, shoes and a bouquet.  You laugh. "Yes." (Y/b/f/n)'s face lit up. You could tell that she really liked him and you offered to talk to him for her. "Oh, would you?" She squealed in excitement. After of another moment of silence she said "No. I should talk to him myself. I don't want him to think anything less of me!" You both laugh as you walk through the door. As soon as you arrive Billie tries to look into the bags but you distract him with a kiss. "No looking! It's bad luck to see what I'll be wearing!" You laugh as you kiss him again. "We've already sent the invites out so that's one less thing to worry about! The rings have been bought. Yes, I remembered your ring size,  so now all we  need is decorations to hang up and then we're all sorted for the wedding." A smile was etched across Billie's face. "I can get decorations."  Said Tré, looking at (Y/b/f/n). "I know a guy!" (Y/b/f/n) giggled. Then it dawned on you, you were getting married in 2 weeks time.  

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