Chapter 11: Surprising news

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{ (Y/b/f/n) - Your Best Friend's Name.}


You and Billie lay in the silence - your hand on his chest . It had been quite a night and you and Billie had decided to make the most of it seeing as Amelia was with Ollie. It had been one of the first nights that you and Billie had been intimate with one another since Amelia had been born. 

"Well, what did you think?" Asked Billie, as he ran his hand through your hair.    

"Do you want my honest answer?" You giggled, "I thought it was satisfactory." 

"Satisfactory!" Billie laughed, "You must be taking the piss! Cheeky!" You both laughed as your hand ran up and down his chest, with his fingers running through your hair. Billie grabbed your warm, naked body and pulled it on top of his. You let out a squeal of excitement before kissing him on the lips. "I love you Billie." You said.

"I love you too, (Y/N)." He looked away. 

"What?" You asked concerned. 

"It's just..." He looked back at you. "It's just that, well I've been thinking lately, and Amelia is nearly two; which is crazy because it only feels lie yesterday she was born." He stopped, looking for the right words. Your eyes remained fixed on him. "I was wondering if we were could maybe have the discussion of having another baby." You eyes widened as you climbed off of him and lay back down on your side of the bed. 

"I'm really tired. Can we talk about this in the morning?" You asked, awkwardly, not sure how to respond. Of course you wanted another child, but part of you felt like it was still too soon. 

"Yeah sure." Billie said. "Night baby - I love you." He said, closing his eyes. 

"I love you too." You said, drifting off into sleep not long after Billie. 

The Next Morning:

You awoke to the sound of Billie on the phone. "Mike! Breathe! Calm down? What happened?" You got dressed, seeing if you could hear what was going on, on the other end of the phone. "Oh my god?! Really?! they're on their way to tell me and (Y/N) right now? Okay. Bye mate." You looked at Billie who was in shock. "Is everything okay?" You asked as you rubbed your eyes. Before Billie could reply, the door bell rang. 

"I'll let (Y/b/f/n) tell you herself."  You ran down stairs to answer the door as Billie went, and quickly got dressed. Tré and (Y/b/f/n) walked through the door smiling. " Morning (Y/n)!" They both said in unison. 

Billie came down the stairs his eyes still wide in shock. "Pretend we don't know anything." He whispered. "But I don't know anything!" You whispered back in annoyance as you were desperate to hear the news that everyone seemed to be keeping from you. 

The two of you sat on the sofa facing Tré and (Y/b/f/n).  (Y/b/f/n) giggled with excitement as she held out her hand, to show the both of you an engagement ring. "Me and Tré are getting married!" 

Right there, in that second, your jaw literally dropped to the floor. You looked over at Billie. His eyes were wide, as he pretended to be only hearing this news now. "That's great guys." He said, in a hushed, and forced surprised voice, as he took your hand in his for support. 

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