Chapter 29: Where's Daddy?

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It had been a week now, neither you or the children had seen Billie and they were getting more upset and frustrated because they, especially Amelia, believed they had done something wrong. 

"Mommy? Why is Daddy here?" She would ask constantly. "Have I done something wrong?"

You would smile, trying to hide your pain to protect her and simply say. "No darling. He's very busy working out of town at the moment. He'll be back as soon as can."  It was a viscous circle. 

Amelia was sat playing with Joey and Jakob and Ramona, Tré and (Y/B/F/N)'s daughter whilst you were talking to (Y/B/F/N) and Brittany.

"I'm so sorry (Y/n)." (Y/B/F/N) kept apologizing.

"You don't have to keep apologizing. It wasn't your fault."  

"That doesn't mean that it's your fault." says Brittany, "It's no-one fault."

You sigh "I know but I just - don't know what to do. I grew up without my parents. I don't want to same for them."  You say, looking at Amelia and the boys, who were playing wonderfully with Ramona. 

"What if this is the end?" You ask. 


"I don't think he's coming back." You shake your head. 

"Mike will talk him round. Don't you worry." Said, Brittany, holding your hand. 

After a few moments of silence she smiled. "I'd better be off. Ring me if you need anything." 

(Y/B/F/N) stayed for a little while longer before also having to leave. "Let me know if you need anything." She smiled as Ramona said goodbye to her new friends. 

You waved them goodbye and went to play with your children before trying to balance housework and playtime as well as cooking dinner. Usually you and Billie would split these task between the two of you but you had managed on your own and knew that you could do anything as long as your kids were safe and didn't believe that they were responsible for Billie's outburst. 

You fed them and one by one put them to bed, reading them all a bedtime story. You delicately kissed each of them goodnight, Joey and Jakob already fast asleep. As you kissed Amelia, she whispered "Can you tell daddy goodnight if he calls and tell him I miss him lots." 

You smiled, "I promise." She held out her pinky finger as you wrapped yours around hers. "Goodnight Mommy."  You began to walk out and closed the door only slightly before walking downstairs. You wiped away the tears, you couldn't imagine what her face would look like if she found out the truth .  You couldn't help thinking that he was never coming back but you knew that it was good while it lasted and you got three beautiful children from it.

You cleared up the toys and wiped down the kitchen surfaces, mopped the floors and did the general stuff as Amelia came downstairs. 

"You ok, sweetheart?" You asked. She tells you she needs a drink and you pour her a cup a water and it her on the sofa. 

Someone knocks at the door.  You answer it, shocked. 

"Daddy!" Amelia shouts running to the door. 

"Hey!" He reply, picking her up. He turns to you. "(Y/n)..." 

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