Chapter 22: Dedicated Song

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You went into Amelia's room as she had just woken up and Billie had just gotten into the shower. "Good Morning Princess!" You said, lifting her up. She placed her hand on your stomach. "Is mommy going to have a baby?" You ask her smiling, "Do you want a baby brother or sister?" You ask her, not expecting an answer but she manages a "b-b-b" Which you took as a baby brother. You laughed "A baby brother?" You said, kissing her on the head before getting her dressed. 

You took her downstairs and she began playing with her toys as you made breakfast for her. Billie came down and placed his hands around your waist. Good Morning baby." He said, kissing your neck. "How are you feeling?" He asked, his hands moving down towards your stomach.

"I'm fine." You said, kissing him an handing him Amelia's breakfast. You smiled as he bent down to pick her up and placed her on his lap and began feeding her. She giggled as he pretended the spoon was a train and her mouth was the tunnel. "Chugga-Chugga-Chew-Chew!" He said, placing the spoon in her mouth. 

You smiled to yourself, thinking about how lucky you were, to be someone that no-one cared about to being a wife and mother.  It was so weird for you to think that you almost didn't go to the concert that night but you are so glad you did because now you had a whole new life and a job as Billie's assistant on tour and there's nothing better than being with your husband  whilst he tours the world with his band. 

A bit later in the day, Amelia decided to have a nap, so Billie took her up and placed her in bed, whilst you stayed downstairs on the sofa reading a book that Ollie gave you about babies, you know the stereotypical book that a pregnant woman may generally read. Once Amelia had been put to bed, Billie returned downstairs with one of his guitars. 

"You okay babe?" You ask him as he sits down next to you. 

"I've been working on new music for the band and I've written a song about you." He said immediately, almost worrying about how you might respond.

You smiled, placing your book down "Can I hear it?" 

He smiled and began strumming his guitar:

'I text a postcard sent to you, did it go through? Sending all my love to you. You are the moonlight of my life, every night, giving all my love to you. My beating heart belongs to you. I walked for miles till I found you. I'm here to honor you but if I lose everything in the fire, I'm sending all my love to you.'

Tears began to well up in your eyes at the beauty of the song that he was performing, you held you hand up against your chest and continue to listen to the song:

'With every breath that I am worth, here on earth.  I'm sending all my love to you. So if you care to second guess, you can rest assure that all my love you for you. My beating heart belongs to you, I walked for miles till I found you. I'm hear to honor you but if I lose everything in the fire, I'm sending all my love to you. My beating heart belongs to you I walked for miles till I found you I'm here to honor you if I lose everything in the fire. Did I ever make it through?'  

He finished playing the song and placed the guitar down and looked at you. You wiped away the tears that were slowly streaming down your face. "That was ... the most ... beautiful thing ... I've ever heard." You choked. You wrapped your arms around his neck and hugged him tightly.  "I love you so much Billie!" You cried into his shoulder.

"I love you too baby." He said, holding you tighter than ever. 

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