Chapter 21: Congratulations Trè

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(Y/B/F/N) was taken to the hospital with Tré and You, Billie, Mike and Brittany, Mike's wife, followed closely behind.  When you arrived at the hospital, Tré was pacing up and down, demanding to see his wife. Billie held your hand as you all waited nervously to find out if (Y/B/F/N) was going to be okay.

"Billie." You whispered, as you watched Tré pacing continuously  up and down.  "(Y/B/F/N) was trying to tell me something, before she passed out." 

"What was she trying to tell you?" Asked Billie. 

"That she's pregnant." You paused. "You don't think there's anything wrong with the baby, do you?" 

"I'm sure she's going to be fine babe, don't worry."  You gave an unsure smile as Billie's phone rang and he had to go out to answer it.  Your mind began racing as Brittany came and sat next to you. 

"Hey. It's okay. You weren't to know." 

"But I was stood with her. How didn't  I see that she was going to pass out?" 

Just then the doctor walked out and shook Tré's hand.  "Congratulations sir." He said, as Billie came back in.

"For what? Is my wife okay?" 

"You're wife is fine, don't worry. But Congratulations because you're going to be a father." The doctor smiled and walked away as Tré turned to Billie and Mike and said, "I'm going to be a father." He went to fall to the floor as Billie and Mike caught him. 

Billie sat Tré  down as Mike went to get him some water. You all congratulated him as he sipped his water before being called in to see (Y/B/F/N) .

After around twenty minutes, you were called in to see her. 

"Hey." You said, as you entered the room. "How are you feeling?" 

"I'm good thank you." She smiled. "There's something I wanted to tell you."

"Go on." You said. 

"Can you bring Billie in as well please?"

You called Billie into the room and she looked at you both. 

"I want you to be my baby's Godparents." 

You both looked at her shocked before looking at each other and smiling. 

"Of course we will." said Billie.

(Y/B/F/N) held out her hand, you took it as she said "Look at us. Both having a families of own, pregnant at the same time." You smiled, "I love you." She said. "and I'm proud to say that the two of you are the Godparents of my child." 

You smiled before Tré came back in with some food for her so you both said goodbye and headed home to see Amelia and Ollie. 

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