Chapter 13: When it's time

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You picked up Amelia earlier that day after Tré and (Y/b/f/n) left to start planning the happiest day of their lives. You still couldn't believe it. It only felt like yesterday that they'd met each other, but in reality it had been two years. 

It was now around 8 pm and Amelia was fast asleep so it was just you and Billie downstairs. He handed you a cup of coffee as he sat next to you. You smiled excitedly. You were so happy that you and Billie had decided to try for another baby but obviously you were nervous because you would have to go through the pain of birth. But you knew that every inch of pain was worth it. Especially if it was all for Billie. You'd die for that man. He was your everything, and you were nothing without him. Before you'd met him, before he pulled you out of the crowd, you had nothing, and were struggling with the idea of living at all; but he managed to save you from all of that.

"Now, are you sure this is what you want?" asked Billie, starting off the conversation about Baby Armstrong Number 2. 

"Of course." You said, holding his hand. " I want to have another baby." 

"Maybe you're right, maybe we should wait a bit longer. When it's time we'll know." 

You laughed.  "I'm ready If you are, honest." He smiled. 

"Really?" He asked, raising his eyebrow. You could tell he really wanted this. Being a father had made him even more loving than when you had met him. He was the type of father that proudly showed off his child to everyone that he saw. Amelia was his pride and joy. 

"Yes, I want us to expand our already wonderful little family. I want to see the look on your face again when you hold our new born baby in your arms for the first time." You looked into his eyes as they lit up as he heard you speak. 

"I want this." He admitted as he squeezed your hand. "I really do want this." You placed you coffee on the table and you snuggled up to him. You giggled excitedly. "Are we really doing this?"He asked, looking at you. 

"Yes. We are." You laughed. "Let's try for another baby." 

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