Chapter 3: The ℒ -word.

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  You both moan in unison as he whispers in your ear: "I told you this felt right..." 

 Your insides begin jumping with joy as you repeat : 'This is actually happening!' over and over again  in your head. You can feel Billie's heart, thumping in his chest. You begin to run your hands up and down his body, running your fingers along his muscles. He places his hands around your back before lifting you up. You gasp in surprise. You wrap your legs around his hips and your arms around his neck, your lips not leaving his. You feel yourself falling down, still attached to Billie. You land on the sofa that sat in the corner of his dressing room. 

Billie stopped to look at you. "Are you sure you wanna do this?" You bite your lip. Billie looked so hot. You nod, bringing his lips back down to yours. Skilfully, he took off your top, and your ripped jeans; leaving you in your underwear. Continuously, you kissed his neck, leaving lipstick stains, all up it. Slowly he took off his trousers and kicked them to the floor. This time it was your turn to tease him, your finger rubbed against the waistband off his boxers.

He let out a gentle moan in your ear. It pleased you to know you were pleasing him. To say that you'd only known each other around half an hour, he'd already had you figured out. He knew all your sweet spots and where he had to kiss to please you the most. His finger ran up your arm as he took off your bra, with one hand. That too was thrown to the floor. Around 20 minutes passed before you were both completely naked, this is where you wanted him to take you and you wanted him take you immediately. You couldn't wait any longer. "Billie." You whispered in his ear. "Please!"

He laughed before he said: "You're so hot." His hand wrapped around your back and he propped you up against the arm of the sofa.  He lent in to kiss you and as he did, he placed himself somewhere completely different.  Then, sure enough, you were in a world of pleasure.  It seemed to last for hours, but you didn't mind, you felt comfortable, you felt safe and happy with Billie. 

He moaned in to your ear, having to take deep breathes. Every now and again you both reached breaking point. You were having the time of your life and by the look on Billie's face, so was he. He landed on top of you, gasping for breath, then, so were you. "That was amazing..." He whispered, his heart beating furiously, like yours was ... both hearts seemed  to be beating in time to one another. 

He looked up and kissed your lips and gazed into your eyes. His eyes glistened in the dim light, that surrounded them. His guy-liner still perfectly in place. Your hand stroked the side of his face before it went on to caress his hair. His head laid motionless on your chest. 

"It's perfect." He said after a minutes silence.  "What is??" You ask, your fingers getting tangled in his soft, black hair. "Your heart." You see a faint smile spread across his face. "It's so in tune, its so beautiful." You giggled. "You do have a way with words. Don't you?" He laughed. He stands up and kisses you again.He begins to get dressed . "We'd better get you to bed ... you're okay with coming back to my place aren't you?" You've already begun to get dressed, pulling on your ripped jeans as you reply: "If it means I get to be with you, of course."

He strides over towards you and lifts up your chin. "That's exactly the answer I was looking for!" He smiled, finishing his sentence with a long, hard kiss. His facial expression, seemed nervous as he looks you. "What's the matter?" You asked, a worried tone running through your voice. Various thoughts were running around your head, one of them being, 'Oh no. Please don't say you've changed your mind.' "I - I" He stuttered. "I really like you. I know that I don't know you that well, but I can't ignore my feelings."

Your eyes widen. "Really?" 

He nods. "It's okay, I don't blame you if you slapped me across the face and walked out." You laughed at him. "Why would I do that?? I love you! I have done for 3 years, it's just that you had no idea, i existed until about 2 hours ago." A smile spread across his face. He leaned in a gave you another kiss, before he led you towards the door and out to his car. This left you thinking: 'Could this get any better?' 

Little did you know, it would. 

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