Chapter 17: Restless Heart syndrome

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"Trè, we need to talk." You hugged Billie tight as  you cried onto his shoulder, but the truth is you didn't know what to feel and it didn't help with being pregnant, your emotions were all over the place. He kissed your head as he spoke to Trè on the other end of the phone. 

"Billie, hey." He replied. "I was just about to call you; it appears we do need to talk." 

Billie held your hand.  "Did (Y/B/F/N) tell you what happened?" He asked, he was trying to remain calm, and sort this issue out, but he couldn't help but grit his teeth when he said (Y/b/f/n)'s name. 

"She did, yes." He stopped for a second before his voice got quieter; he was whispering. "Except their seem to be gaps in her story." His voice sounded annoyed.  

"How do you mean?" Billie asked. He couldn't deny that it made him happy to see that even Trè was angry at (Y/b/f/n).  "What did she tell you?" Billie added, as the two of you listened closely. 

"Well, she's told me the story several times, and everything appears to be different each time. She said that (Y/n) kicked her out of your house, and that we weren't to go anywhere near you or (y/n), again, but I know that it isn't something that (Y/n) would say." He continued to whisper. "I have to whisper, (Y/b/f/n) is in the next room. Also, she said something about a nuclear family?"

There was silence for a few minutes as you continued to let the tears stream down your face. "Do you mind if we come round?" Trè asked. "I feel awful about all of this. Can you tell (y/n) I know that she didn't say that?" 

"Yeah. We'll see you soon." Billie hung up as you let out a huge amount of emotion on his chest. "See, I told you I'd sort it. Listen, I'm not having anyone treating my wife like that, especially not now of all times." He said kissing you head and helping you up from the floor. "We need to focus on getting you calm now. This isn't good for the baby." He told you as you hugged him tight and continued to hug him until you heard car doors slam outside. (Y/b/f/n) was making a fuss, you could hear her outside and Trè responding. Billie opened the door as you sat on the sofa. They walked in.

"Trè! I don't want to be here." was the first thing that (Y/b/f/n) said when she walked through the door. She didn't even look at you. "Well, it's tough!" He replied sharply. "This needs to be sorted out."

You held Billie's hand as he sat next to you. His other hand was placed on your back. "Well, are you going to apologise to me?" She said angrily. 

"You are joking right? Why should I apologise after what you said to me?" You said. 

"Have you heard this?" (Y/b/f/n) scoffed as your breath became short once more. Billie rubbed your back. "Remember what we said, (Y/n), calm. You shouldn't be getting worked up." 

(Y/b/f/n) looked at Billie. "You need to get your wife in order. There's clearly something wrong with her." 

"Right, that's enough!" Billie said, surprising everyone with his harsh tone. "Don't you dare. Do you really think that it's acceptable for you to do this to her, get her worked up, in her condition?" 

Before (Y/b/f/n) could reply, Trè joined the conversation. "What condition?" He asked, his voice was laced with intrigue and worry. Billie looked at you for permission, before answering Trè's question. "(Y/n)'s pregnant." He said, as the two of you watched Trè's eyes widen, and a smile form across his face. "You're pregnant? That's amazing, congratulations." His smile wuickly disappeared when he remembered why he was at your house in the first place. He looked at (Y/b/f/n), who was sat beside him. "Did you know?Why would you do that to her?"

"I didn't mean to say any of those things, I was angry; jealous." (Y/b/f/n) said, breaking down in tears. "I'm so sorry (Y/n)."

"Why were you jealous?" Trè asked, and Billie nodded, also wanting an answer; his hand remained interlocked with yours the entire time. 

"Because she's my best friend and now that she's a parent, and married, we don't spend that much time together, and sometimes all I want is my best friend." She smiled at you. "I'm sorry, (y/n) I really am. I'm happy for you." She looked at Trè. "I've had issues, in the past, with conceiving a child, and (Y/n) and Billie are about to have two, and I don't even have one. What if I can never have children?" She asked through tears, and it broke your heart. 

"That's a bridge we can cross when we come to it." Trè reassured her. (Y/b/f/n) looked back at you. "DO you think that this is something we can move on from?" You looked at her, feeling guilty that part of you wanted to say no; you shrugged this off as pregnancy hormones. "Sure." You smiled. Within seconds, everything had gone back to normal. 

"So, have the two of you thought of any names for the baby." Trè asked. "I cannot wait to be Uncle Trè!!" 

"You're already uncle Trè to Amelia." Said Billie. 

Trè smiled, "I know but it's exciting! Do you know what you're having?"

"No we don't. If it's a boy, Joey but we haven't thought of a girls name yet." Said Billie, smiling. "Joseph Marciano Armstrong. Marciano after my dad. That was his middle name." 

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