Chapter 7: The Wedding

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The morning of the wedding arrived and you were awoken by (Y/b/f/n) running into your room squealing. "It's your Wedding day (Y/n)!" You yawned, out-stretching your arms, before you realised she was right. The day had arrived. You would be  Billie Joe's wife in just a few short hours. You laughed, crawling out of bed to see your dress hanging on the wardrobe door.  You looked down at your stomach, worrying that it had got bigger over night. However, thankfully it hadn't.  You looked at the clock on the bedside table.  It was 8:30 AM,  Saturday 2nd July.  You stood still for a moment, not knowing what do next for excitement had taken over your body.  You were marrying Billie-freaking-Joe. The words still didn't sound right but either way you were still privileged that he chose you on the night of the concert. Although, you were still trying to come to terms with the fact that in 2 and a half hours, you would be a married woman. 

2 Hours Later. 

Your spun around, your dress fitting nicely around your petite waist. You were glad as you kne"w that your petite figure wouldn't last much longer. "Oh. (Y/n) you look so beautiful." Said Billie's mother, Ollie, as she smiled grabbing your hands. "I know." Said Billie's Sister Anna, adding a clip to your hair. "(Y/n) you look stunning! Billie's going to be amazed when you walk down that aisle!" She smiled at you before straightening out your dress at the bottom.  "So, (Y/n) have you decided what your going to call the baby??" Asked (Y/b/f/n).   You explained that you and Billie had been discussing different names. "If it's a girl, Amelia and if it's a boy, Joseph." You smiled. You still weren't sure how many children you wanted as long as you had a healthy baby, and Billie was the father, it didn't really matter. Before you knew it another 25 minutes of applying make-up and trying to get down the stairs passed. Now was the time. You were due to be married in around 5 mins.  Your stomach filled with butterflies as you looked out of the window into the back yard to see everyone taking their seats. 

"Hey. (Y/N) who's giving you away?? You haven't told us." (Y) b/f/n) looked around.  You smiled as Tré walked through the door. He winked again at (Y/b/f/n) before offering you his arm. "Are you ready to become Mrs Armstrong??" He smiled. You looked out of the window once more before nodding. Behind you (Y/b/f/n) looked rather confused as to why Tré was giving you away. You took a deep breath before Tré began walking you down the aisle. This was it. The moment you had been waiting for. The moment to become Mrs Armstrong. 

You reached the end of the aisle to where Billie was stood. Tré kissed you on the cheek before standing at Mike's side, next to Billie. You and Billie smiled at each other. Billie looked incredibly handsome in his suit, with a red dickie bow. "You look amazing." He said, holding your hand, with tears in his eyes. 

"So do you."

The ceremony was underway and you couldn't take your eyes off of Billie, not for one second.  When it came to his speech, Billie told you how you changed his life for the better and he couldn't wait to spend the rest of his life with you.  "Do you Billie Joe Armstrong take (Y/N) (Y/L/N) to be your lawfully wedded  wife?"  Billie smiled up at you. "I do."   The man who was marrying the two of you looked over at you both. " Do you (Y/N) (Y/L/N) take Billie Joe Armstrong to be your lawfully wedded Husband?"  You smiled. " I do."  He closed the book he was holding. "You may now kiss the Bride."   

A roar of cheers and applause erupted from the crowd as you and Billie locked lips at the front of the altar. You wrapped you arms around his neck and twirled your wedding ring around your finger.  You broke apart and Billie grabbed your hand, guiding you back down the aisle.                                                        

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