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"____, ever since you started studying here last year, you are the most remarkable student that I acknowledge in this school." The principal said, or should I say that he's also the owner of this luxurious school, named Mr. Jong-hoon, the duke of Seoul, Korea.

"Thank you, sir. But may I ask on why do you call me here for?" I questioned as I waited for his reply. Even if it's a royal school, we still addressed them like what a normal school does.

"Well. You see, I have two sons who are not doing well in school, and I would like you to perhaps teach and discipline them to become better heirs in the future." He explained.

"And who are those two sons you are referring to, sir?" I questioned.

Knock. Knock. Knock.

Suddenly, there was a knock on the door.

"Oh perfect timing." The principal said.

"Kim Taehyung and Jeon Jungkook?!"


We three exclaimed as we saw each other at the same time.

"Oh. So you know each other? That's great." Mr. Jong-hoon said, feeling satisfied.

Great. But not in a good way...

"What's the meaning of this, father?" Taehyung suddenly went to him and questioned in disbelief.

"Ehem. You should address me as your principal since we're in school, Mr. Kim." Mr. Jong-hoon scoffed.

"Just tell me." He said, ignoring what Mr. Jong-hoon said.

"This young lady here, is going to help you two and with that, you three will be in the same class." He explained the situation.

"What?!" We three exclaimed in shock.

No. No. No. No. No. No. No. I can help them tutor and all that stuff but be in the same class with them spoiled brats? Never. They will do no good at all. And I mean they'll NEVER do any good in school.


*Clears throat*

Kim Taehyung. A smart yet arrogant student who's the top student of the batch until I came, taking over as the top student instead of him. When I first met him, he looks nice, until he used evil schemes on me so that he can be the top.

Jeon Jungkook. A quiet student that everyone thought that he's very nice, but in reality, he's just a devil from the inside and that he's just acting like an angel from the outside. Especially to me, when I tried to talk to him, he'd be all ignorant and called me unpleasant names.


Such handsome faces yet ugly hearts...

And finally, there's me. Not a royalty, but good at heart. I worked hard for my future and always do good, except that I'm lazy at doing something uninteresting. That's why I got a scholar, and also the only non-royalty to ever passed the exam in Seoul Royal Academy.

But I'm not just going to let the both of them stop me from my future and I'm going to do whatever it takes to fulfill my goals.

Well, I guess I'll just have to find out what's going to happen...

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