- Chapter 32 -

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"Woah," You uttered as your jaw dropped from looking at the fancy interior of the restaurant.

"Woah," You uttered as your jaw dropped from looking at the fancy interior of the restaurant

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(A/N: This is photographed by Katie Keiko that I just randomly searched on Google. So yeah, it's not mine, but hers~)

"Where are the other people though?" You questioned as you noticed not a single client is seen here except for the two of you, of course.

"Well, my father's friend, the one that I told you about, is the one who reserved the whole place for us. Since, he thought," Taehyung then paused as he looked quiet hesitant to continue his sentence.

"Thought what?" You asked, annoyed of him not finishing his sentence.

"That you're my girlfriend," He finished his sentence as it took him time to let it out.

After hearing his response, your cheeks started to appear quiet red, but you acted like it's no big deal.

"Alright. Let's go, shorty!" He said as he took your hand and dragged you with him to your table.

"You really do like to hold hands, huh?" You muttered as you always noticed him holding your hand frequently.

"Come on, I know you love it," He said as he gave you a playful wink, making you blush in return.

No wonder your father's friend thought it like that... But wait, how did he know me in the first place?

"Bonsoir, monsieur et mademoiselle," The both of you were then greeted by a tall waiter who has good looking features containing small yet adorable eyes, a handsome smile, and finally his cute dimples, while standing in proper posture of a servant.

(A/N: As an A.R.M.Y., I know all of you A.R.M.Y.s know who this is - w -)

"U-Um... Are you Korean?" You questioned in your usual language, which is Korean, of course, as you noticed his features is as close to your country's heritage.

"Yes, I am," He replied as he continued putting up his welcoming smile.

"Thank goodness! I don't have to speak with a little difficulty," You uttered as you let out a sigh of relief as the waiter chuckled lightly in response.

"You might encounter one soon..." The waiter mumbled as the both of you didn't quiet hear what he said as he let out a secretive smirk on his face.

"What will you be having today, monseiur?" He questioned as he continued doing his job.

After the waiter waited for the orders to be told, Taehyung then ordered what wants for his Appetizer, Main Course, and his Dessert with no problem as the waiter listed the food he ordered.

"How about you, mademoiselle?" The waiter then turned his attention to you as he finished listing down.

"Uhm..." You muttered as you continued looking at the menu, not knowing what some of the food are since some of them were food that you have never tasted in your life.

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