-Chapter 3-

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"That's all for today, class. Au revoir!" Your adviser said as she left the classroom.

Today is really stressful for you. Taehyung would always distract you from lessons and tried schemes to ruin your image like when he shouted out loud to the teacher that you're copying his answers while we're taking a quiz when you actually didn't. Then when the teacher made you retake a different quiz, you aced it, humiliating Taehyung's lie. And with that, he was deducted points from his grade.

"Hahahah! You really burned Taehyung right there." Jhona said as she let out a small laugh.

"Well, it's karma at its finest." You replied as the both of you continued fixing your things in your lockers.

"Ms.____, the principal wants to see and talk to you." A student, one of the smartest students, who's also the secretary of the student council last year, requested.

"Oh, I see. Thanks." You replied as you let out an assured smile. After that, the student left.

"So, I'll go on my way then?" Jhona questioned.

"Mhm. See you tomorrow, faggot." You said as you let out a joking smile.

"See you tomorrow as well, hoe." Jhona replied back as she showed a cheerful smile and after the both of you bid each other goodbye, she left.

You then proceeded your way to the Principal's office. As you were already in front of the door of the principal's office, you took a deep breath and knocked on the door. After the signal, you gently opened the door and entered.

"Good afternoon, Sir." You greeted politely as you entered inside and quietly close the door then you went in front of the principal's office.

"Oh, ____. I've been expecting you here." The principal said as he focused his attention to you.

"Is there something you want to talk to me about?" You questioned as you looked at the principal.

"Ah, yes..." He then took a pause as his face went serious while you waited for him to say his statement.

"____, ever since you started studying here last year, you are the most remarkable student that I acknowledge in this school." The principal said, or should you say that he's also the owner of this luxurious school, named Mr. Jong-hoon, the duke of Seoul, Korea.

"Thank you, sir. But may I ask on why do you call me here for?" You questioned as you waited for his reply. Even if it's a royal school, the school still addressed students, teachers, and officers like what a normal school does.

"Well. You see, I have two sons who are not doing well in school, and I would like you to perhaps teach and discipline them to become better heirs in the future." He explained.

"And who are those two sons you are referring to, sir?" You questioned.

Knock. Knock. Knock.

Suddenly, there was a knock on the door.

"Oh perfect timing." The principal said.

"Kim Taehyung and Jeon Jungkook?!"


The three of you exclaimed as the three of you saw each other at the same time.

"Oh. So you know each other? That's great." Mr. Jong-hoon said, feeling satisfied.

Great. But not in a good way...

"What's the meaning of this, father?" Taehyung suddenly went to him and questioned in disbelief.

"Ehem. You should address me as your principal since we're in school, Mr. Kim." Mr. Jong-hoon scoffed.

"Just tell me." He said, ignoring what Mr. Jong-hoon said.

"This young lady here, is going to help you two and with that, you three will be in the same class." He explained the situation.

"What?!" We three exclaimed in shock.

"Why her of all people, father?" Jungkook exclaimed as he looked at Mr. Jong-hoon with a serious face.

"It's because I said so, and ____ is the most responsible and diligent student there is. Plus, you two had cause a lot of trouble..." The principal explained.

"Especially you, Mr. Kim." Mr. Jong-hoon added as he eyed on Taehyung with a serious expression.

"Why is it always me and not him?! He caused trouble as well!" Taehyung exclaimed as he pointed his finger at Jungkook.

"Mr. Jeon didn't cause a lot of trouble, Mr. Kim. Especially he didn't try to ruin the image of this academy." Mr. Jong-hoon answered with his mad expression on his face.

"Whatever! Do what you want!" Taehyung said in an anger tone then after that, he stomped out of the office and slammed the door.

"I'll just take my leave." Jungkook added as he then quietly proceeded to the door. Jungkook opened the door and before he took his leave, he gave a rather angered look at you secretly, not obvious to his father. After that, he left and gently closed the door.

"I deeply apologize for my sons' behaviors." Mr. Jong-hoon apologized as he looked at you with a sincere look on his face.

"I-It's alright, sir." You replied as you let out an awkward smile.

"Anyways, here's the deal..." Mr. Jong-hoon said as he paused.

"If you'll accept the offer, I'll let you live in our mansion with your very own room without paying any expenses, including food, clothes, rent, and you'll be paid with 5,000,000 won once they had been disciplined and know the requirements of becoming a successful heir. Sounds like a good deal?" Mr. Jong-hoon explained the details as he replied it with a question.

"Why did you choose me than the professionals who are responsible for those kind of problem?" You asked.

"Well, I did. But apparently, they didn't last like for a week since they gave up and ran away, which I think they can't handle them." Mr. Jong-hoon answered as he let out a sigh.

I see what you mean...

"But, what about my family?" You questioned.

"Oh, I also forgot. Your family will also have unlimited food resources and we'll pay their bills until the end of the contract. Plus, I already contacted your parents and told them about the offer. They said that it's fine, that is, as long as you agreed to it." He explained.

Then that means, I'll have to babysit those two brats and live with them until they behave?! That'll take too long!

But, kind to think of it. If I did that, then my family won't have a single problem of the expenses, especially bills. Also to add, my mom will not have a lot of stress about the expenses and that my dad will could take a day off from his tiring job everyday.

But... the question is, will they be happy?

"I... I accept your offer." You hesitately answered.

Whatever. I want my family to not tire themselves too much and for all the hard work they made for me.

"Well, it's settled then. So, prepare your things for your tomorrow's mission. You're dismissed." Mr. Jong-hoon said.

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So, I see that you've been wanting more? 😂 Well, here you go! ☺ I hope that you love this story so far and thank you for reading this story~ 😄

Without further a do, Thank you and 안녕~ ♡

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