- Chapter 16 -

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"...And this will be your room, young lads." Your mother said as she opened the door and showed them a quiet spacious room with two beds and simple furnitures displayed.

"So, we're sharing a room?" Jungkook asked as he pointed at his brother with a hidden expression of an uncomfortable feeling.

"Yes, dear! Anyways, let me show you more about the house!" Your mom cheerfully said as she then continued going somewhere while the three of you stayed.

"Yah. This is my room for your information. So stop whining, little brats." You reminded as you then continued following your mom while the two brothers placed their bags in their room and did the same thing.


"Finally, this is the bathroom you're going to use." Your mom said as she ended her tour with a smile on her face.

"Thank you, Aunt (M/N)." The two gave their thanks as they slightly yet elegantly bowed at your mother.

"Oh, it's no problem at all! Anyways, let's have our lunch after the three of you finish unpacking your stuff!" Your mother replied and after that, she headed her way towards the kitchen to prepare lunch.

"Not bad." Taehyung broked the silence as he transformed his angelic face into a bored one while crossing his arms.

There goes his true form...

"But, I seriously can't wait to leave this small place." He added as he turned and went his way to his room to unpack his things.

Rude brat...

"Unnieeeeeeee!" You then turned around to see a little girl running towards you and tackled you into a hug.

"Yah! Taeyeon-dongsaeng. Stop being noisy." You said as you let out a soft giggle.

(A/N: Just imagine Taeyeon from SNSD as a little girl a.k.a. Your little sister ;3)

Taeyeon is your little sister. A first grader. She's like the ultimate beauty in the family. Where it is really weird that you two looked way different yet it is still proven that the two of you are really blood-related. But you really didn't care if you didn't have the beauty like your little sister does. But what's pissing you off is that sometimes, people would mistake you two in different relations, especially that one time where a kindergaten student who is one of Taeyeon's friends, asked if you're the nanny of your little sister.

"Yah, unnie. Is that the boy who made you angry?" Taeyeon questioned as she looked at Jungkook with a serious yet cute expression on her face.

"Y-You don't have to kno-"

"Of course I wouldn't do that thing to your beloved sister." Jungkook said as he let out his angelic smile to Taeyeon.

What a fake little devil...

"Stop acting like an idiot, you ugly seagull." She responded in an annoyed tone as she looked at him with a scary expression. Jungkook, including you, were then shocked by your little sister's statement.

"Uh... what-"

"Mess with my unnie, and you'll be dead to me, 추한(Ugly.)" She threatened.

"Taeyeon! Change your clothes now!" Your mom then reminded your sister, yelling from the kitchen.

As Taeyeon gave one last unpleasant glance to Jungkook, she went back to her room to change her clothes.

"Tch, how would a little kid stop me." Jungkook muttered as he was irritated at the little girl.

"Well, she knows martial arts." You mentioned.

"And what about her knowing martial arts?" Jungkook questioned, who still doesn't understand.

"She just got a black belt last year in just a month at Prep." You said as a matter of fact.

"Impossible." Jungkook stated, not believing on what you've said.

"Oh, I also heard that she accidentally broked the martial arts teacher's leg during training. Well, she's the one teaching for now until the martial arts teacher's leg is fully healed." You added as you remembered.

With that, Jungkook's face suddenly stiffened from your statement. Teasingly, you walked up to him and held his left shoulder with your left hand while facing him from the side.

"You better not judge a book by its cover, Jungkook. She may be cute... but deadly." You reminded as you let out a smirk while he just stood there in silence.

"Hahaha! Just go and unpack your stuff, seagull." You then broked out in a small laughter as you roughly patted his shoulder. After that, you then took your leave to unpack your things.

"Did her sister really get a black belt?" Jungkook muttered while wondering about it. But he just shook it off and went to his room to finish his task.

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Announcement! The new schedule for updates in this story will now be update once or twice a week.

Thank you and 안녕~ ♡

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