- Chapter 26 -

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T-Taehyung... I'm scared...

That thought was in Taehyung's mind as he is still thinking about you, where you were crying and scared, trying to think what makes you.


The next day, the sun shines early morning, making your eyes open half-raised from its brightness.

"Good morning."

You then heard a husky yet calm voice then you suddenly widen your eyes the moment you saw Taehyung's face closer to yours while the both of you were lying down on the bed, facing each other.

"Y-Yah! What's going on?" You exclaimed as you quickly sat up from the bed. You then started to scan around the place to see that it's Taehyung's room.

"Well, it's school today. So, you better have your breakfast." He said so nicely, making you feel weird, especially that he added a kind smile, making you even more suspicious.

"What's with you being kind all of a sudden?" You questioned as you looked at him in suspicion.

"Too lazy to answer.." He replied as he suddenly pull you to him on the bed.

"Yah! What are you doing? I'm going to be late for school!"

"You mean we?"


"It's still too early. Just stay like that for a little longer."


"I guess it's his problem..." You mumbled as you fixed your uniform and went down the stairs with your school bag.

"Um... excuse me, miss. But, where are you going today this early?" You then saw the butler as he questioned you, looking quiet confused.

"What? I'm going to school today." You replied as you were also confused by his question.

"But isn't it your weekend today?" He reminded.

"What day is it today?" You asked.


You were then dumbfounded as you heard his answer. You then looked up to see Taehyung looking at you while letting out a teasing smile beside the stairway.

He's such an asshole!


Since today is your weekend, you decided to just go out for a peaceful stroll outside to lighten up your day somehow...

Or so you thought.

"Do I really always have to be with one of these idiots?" You muttered as you walked with Jungkook by your side.

"Don't worry. I have no intention of being interested in you anyway, shorty." Jungkook replied as the both of you continued walking on the sidewalk.

"Well, that is really fine for me-"


Before you could take another step, he grabbed you by the wrist from preventing you to take a step on the road as the truck passed by fast.

"You really are clumsy, aren't you?" He said as he still took hold on your wrist. His face hinted with worry.

You looked at his serious eyes then your cheeks started to burn up and your heart starts to beat faster.

"S-Shut up. I know where I'm going." You stated as you were embarrassed of your action.

"Yeah, going to the verge of death." He responded as he rolled his eyes while gently letting your wrist go.

Royals || Kim Taehyung X Reader X Jeon Jungkook ||Where stories live. Discover now