- Chapter 36 -

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I only ordered 1 album (the BTS LOVE one) cuz I'm broke af ( T v T ) (plus the shipping fees tf)

Like legit, I just only ordered one album and a mini photo set (which is like 7$/8$ and I'm already around 50$ (including the shipping fee) huhu

Lol sry for making this long 😂 enjoy the chap!!

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"Jungkook," You called him with an annoyed tone.

"Yes, ____?" He called back while in in his good mood state.

"Seriously, you need to stop the act right now. It's getting annoying-"

"But I am serious," He interrupted as he looked serious into your eyes.

"I know you're not ready for this, but just take your time. I'm not going to rush you to answer me. Because I'm willing to wait for you no matter what until you're ready." He added as he let out a worried smile on his face.

"But...we can't," You stated as you looked down with a hint of sadness within your eyes.

"What do you mean?" He questioned, confused of what you're talking about.

"We're not allowed to be together."

Not even him as well...

His eyes were then widened in surprise of your statement as there was a short moment of silence between you two.


He muttered as he then slowly went up to you with an expression you can't describe as you were ready to face on what he's going to do.

"Loosen up a bit, little midget," He said as he ruffled the top of your head with an encouraging grin plastered on his face.

"WHAT DID YOU JUST SAY-" You exclaimed as you were offended by the last two words of his statement.

"The potato has now returned to normal," He stated in a dull tone as he backed off a bit, avoiding your violent reaction.

"Yah! What are you trying to say here?" You asked as you eagerly want to know since he annoyed you a lot today.

"Well, I believe you're having a rough time for the past few days. So I'm just trying to cheer a little kid up," He answered as he maintained his chill vibe.

"Oh, really? Thanks for your so called 'help' then," You responded, noting your sarcasm.

"The pleasure is mine," He replied back with a teasing smile as you sighed in annoyance.

"I tell you what. Since you and that kid who's nothing like an older brother are gonna go out later on..." He paused as he puts his face close to yours, as though as he's going to whisper something to you.

"Just...presume that I'll be there." He finished his statement as he added with a smile on his face.

"What?" You muttered in confusion, thinking on what he's talking about.

"Well, I'll just leave for now and give you some time and space," He said as he stood up straight as he turned to the opposite direction.

"See you later, little kiddo." He added as he turned his head to the side as he gave out a wink then took his leave.


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