- Chapter 46 -

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My eyes are just so puffy right now since early morning...

You forgot to charge your phone last night, which made you go to school without it, but you didn't really care about it since you want to end this misery as soon as possible.


"Alright, please exchange papers with your seatmate." The teacher announced as the students stopped writing, including you but sloppily this time.

After that, you and Taehyung exchanged papers without any contact at all, the mood seeming to be quiet. Very quiet.

After checking, you returned the paper as he did as well without any exchange of words to each other.


"____, your score?" The teacher questioned as she waited for your reply.

"17," You answered nonchalantly.

"Out of 50? Oh my-um please see me after class," The teacher was surprised, but then kept her professionalism and trying not to make a ruckus during class.

"Yes, ma'am."

You heard snickers from some students who has no hearts at all, some starting to gossip.

"Probably from being a lewd bitch to them for a long time, huh?"

"I know right?"

"That's what she gets for wasting her time for the impossible."

"Quiet down now, class!" The teacher shouted that silenced all the chatters and mutters at once.

Them and their rich spoiled mouths...


"____, are you somehow having some trouble with the lessons so far?" Your teacher questioned as she somehow sounded worried.

"No, ma'am."

"Well, is it somehow related to personal matters?"

You hesitated to answer for a moment, but then slightly nodded in response.

"Okay..." She paused for a moment, figuring out on how to handle the situation.

"I don't want to go over through it and mind your own certain business that is not related to the problems about school related situations, but I hope that you'll somehow get a grip on whatever is happening especially by just starting a conversation about it to the person you trust, like your family for example," She advised as she looked at you with a caring smile on her face, trying to help you cheer up even if it's just a little bit.

"Can you still cope up, Miss Top Student?" She questioned as she looked at you, determined while trying give out a positive vibe.

You then faintly smiled at her response and nodded. You quietly stood up bowed and thanked her politely, then left the classroom.

As you left the classroom and closed the door, your smile then quickly turned back to a sad one. Somehow, trying to figure out how to try to comfort yourself.

"If only my best friend is here..." You muttered as you continued to move along the way slowly.

My parents? I don't want them to worry too much and cause a lot of problems, especially that there's a high possibility that they'll stop me from studying in this school anymore...

After having a talk with your teacher, you have half the time to have your lunch but clearly you didn't have any appetite today so you decided to head to the science lab along with your textbook and stuff since it's your next subject.

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