- Chapter 25 -

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"We're here." Taehyung stated as the both of you finally arrived in front of the mall. The servants then started doing their job and one opened the door for you two to get out which the both of you did.

"Aren't your so called friends here?" Taehyung questioned as he fixed his black suit coat and black necktie.

"Good evening, Your Highness." The servants greeted politely while doing a slight bow in sync, and perfect alignment at each side.

I guess that's part of the so-called rich life...

"Well, they haven't texted me yet." You answered as the both of you started walking towards the entrance of the mall while the two bodyguards followed at each side behind.

"Who are they though?" Taehyung asked.

"Jimin and... Yoongi?" You replied as the both of you proceeded to the elevator while the bodyguards didn't go with them, as ordered by Taehyung.

"What? Why with them?" He questioned once more.

"Is there anything wrong about it?" You stated.

"You're... so defenseless..." He said as he let out a small sigh then pressed the topmost floor button then pressed the close button.

"Yah!" You replied as you were not satisfied with his statement.

"Since they aren't here yet, just wait for me to finish the meeting and I'm going with you later on with them." He stated as he leaned on the side of the elevator while waiting.


"Why do you have to come? I bet they'll be here any minute now." You questioned.

"Don't worry about a thing, shorty. The meeting is going to finish in just a moment."


Or so I thought...

It's been half an hour since his meeting started and you've been receiving messages from Jimin that they already arrived several minutes ago.

Ugh... What's taking him so long...


From: Jimin

Already done? :))

"They've been waiting for a long time..." You muttered as you think on whether you should still wait for Taehyung.

But Taehyung still haven't finished his meeting yet...

"But I just can't let them wait that long... I guess." You added as you then stood up from your seat and left.


"Hey!" You called, making them turned around to your direction as you ran up to them.

"Oh, hello. Sorry for the long wait. This guy sure is taking his time having his beauty sleep." Jimin said as he used his thumb to point at Yoongi beside him.

"Well, at least I have grown some height more than you." Yoongi replied as he just lazily stood still.

"It's alright. It's actually my fault for letting the both of you wait." You stated.

"How about Taehyung? Is he coming?" Jimin questioned as he noticed that Taehyung wasn't with you.

"No, since he's still in his meeting and I think it's going to finish for long." You answered.

"So, shall we go?" Jimin asked as you then nodded in response.


"Nice meeting you, Mr. Kim." One of who's a part of the meeting greeted Taehyung.

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