- Chapter 29 -

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"Yah, are you sure that this is okay?"

You questioned in a nervous tone with your mind a bit unsettled.

"Of course, it'll not hurt one bit."

He replied confidently in a relaxing way.

"Come on, what if the teachers or your dad get suspicious at us?"

You asked again, as you were unsure of it.

"Oh, you want them to know what we're doing?"

He teased.


"Just relax- AH!"

"Yah! Just answer me already!"

You finally lost your cool, in which you now pinched his ear in annoyance with his nonsense replies as he responded in pain.

"Excuse me, miss and your majesty, but we've been receiving complaints from the other passengers due to your 'lovers' quarrel' session going on for about an hour now."

"Oh, s-sorry." You apologized as you were embarrassed of bringing a commotion.

"Well?" You continued your conversation as you looked at him seriously after the stewardess took her leave.

"Alright, fine. I asked dad about it and he agreed since exams are still next month." He finally answered as he had finally told you about it.

Sigh... Why did I even agree on this...


"I'm going to bring you somewhere you'll know soon enough." Taehyung announced as he let out a smile like of a little child.

"Hold on a second. What do you mean? Where to?" You asked, bombarding questions as you were quiet surprise of the unexpected situation.

"I'll tell you if you agree to go with me." He replied as he looked at you with his little mischievous look on his face.

"No, thanks then." You quickly responded as you're done dealing with all his nonsense.

"Oh, well. I guess once my dad saw me get in trouble and it'll be blame on you since didn't do your job..." He stated, reminding you about the deal as he glanced his sight on the other side while arms crossed in a calm manner.

"Also your school tuition, family rent, and shopping payment, will all be cut off." He added.

Ugh... this kid...

"Tch...fine." You agreed, having no other way to decline his request.

"Now can you tell me where are we off to?" You asked with a hint of uninterest within it.

"Well, we need an airplane to go to that place." He answered as he



Tch! And here I thought it'll be just somewhere near Seoul...

"But he only agreed us to go for only two days." He added.

"Well, where are we headed to somewhere in Paris anyway?" You asked.

"You'll know soon enough." He answered as he let out an exciting smile.

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