- Chapter 47 -

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Author: Yo, Mr.Jonghoon!

Mr.Jonghoon: Why hello there, how may I be of assista-

Author: No time for chit-chat. Here. *Drops a huge load of papers*

Mr.Jonghoon: Goodness gracious! What in the world are these for?!

Author: It's time for you to shine, Mr.Jonghoon! Those are gonna be your lines for this chappy.

Mr.Jonghoon: *scans the stack of papers from up till down* Wai-What? Am I going to be some narrator or something?

Author: Kiiiinda but more of a storytelling one

Mr.Jonghoon: This is going to be an eternity-

Author: Good luck, buddy! The readers are counting on ya!

Mr.Jonghoon: But-

Author: Gotta blast! *went le flash mode*

Mr.Jonghoon: ...

(A/N: I dunno if it's gonna be boring, since it'll be a really long chappy ^^' Anyways, enjoy~)

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||     The Talk     ||

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It was finally the weekend, and that is the time you were brave enough to meet up with Mr.Jonghoon. You were now standing right in front of the gates, scanning its similar features you've encountered numerous times before.

"Excuse me, I would like to speak with-"

"Oh, great timing. Mr.Jonghoon has been expecting for your arrival." The guard unintentionally interrupted as he finished listening to his message sent from his ear piece.

Well then

After being allowed to enter to their place once more, I straight ahead went towards the doors that are immediately opened by some familiar faces I remembered and entered. I immediately proceeded to my destination with ease since I've already known this place since then.

Greeted by the people I've known and smiled on while going through the hallways, I've arrived to the door. The similar double door decorated with much more fancy than any other, shouting its name you've been expecting for.

You heaved, trying to relax yourself. Then after a few seconds, you knocked on the door.

"Come in."

Once its signal, you immediately opened the door but of course, still politely doing so, entering then closing the door gently.

"Have a seat, Ms. ____" The principal you've always known said as he gestured you to seat down on the chair that's visible to your sight that's placed at the side front of his desk.

"Thank you, Your Highness."

After that, you followed and gently sat down and stayed quiet to listen to his future statements.

"I would like to settle this down piece by piece..." He stated as he then paused for a little, trying to figure out on how to say what he's going to say.

"You already know my sons, Taehyung and Jungkook..." He added as you then nodded in response.

"And you already know that they belong to... Certain mothers," He continued as he looked to the side with a hint of worry on whether to continue.

Royals || Kim Taehyung X Reader X Jeon Jungkook ||Where stories live. Discover now