- Chapter 43 -

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A week has then passed, and the cold war between Jungkook and Taehyung is still ongoing.

It's dismissal today, and while you were finished gathering your needed stuff, you walked off the classroom with nervous thoughts inside your head.

No. No. No! This isn't supposed to happen! Not like this! I shouldn't make them get any worse than they were...

"You still alright, potato?"

You suddenly flinched at the sudden call as you turned to see Jungkook asking you, worries hinted within him.

"Oh- Um, yeah. Just great," You replied as you let out a nervous laugh, trying to look alright.

"Look, I'm sorry about yesterday. For pressuring you or whatever you think it is," He stated as he had a look of guilt plastered on his face.


"Excuse me, your highness. But your father is requesting you to be at his office immediately," A bodyguard stated as he went towards him in discipline.

"Oh, right. I almost forgot about that. Sorry, ____. I'll see you soon later on," Jungkook said.

You nodded in response as he then gave off a little wave and a soft smile before he took his leave along with his bodyguard.


While taking your steps slowly through the hallway, you kept on thinking whether or not you should confront Taehyung about the situation.

I can't believe on why he's still acting like this? I know that they've had a fight with each other but why is he also ignoring me for days...

You still kept on being quiet while continued walking, remaining to think about your decision. But after some thought, you decided to do it.

I don't care if I cause a scene anymore. I need to know and stop this as soon as possible...

"Taehyung," You called as you found Taehyung after for some time and luckily, there are no people around the building or this floor level at least.

As I called him, he didn't budge as if he didn't hear anything and just continued walking off. But you, being the persistent type, kept on going.

"Taehyung, just listen to me-"

"What is it, you woman?!"

Taehyung quickly turned as he shouted angrily right in front of you, while you suddenly stopping your tracks and faced him.

"How come you're still overreacting about this? And for a week?!" You exclaimed as you were irritated by the actions he's been giving off since then.

"I don't have time for this shi-"

Taehyung turned, about to leave, but you added a statement you wanted him to hear.

"I can't stand this anymore! You're not what you used to be. All I just did was to stop the fight between you two. So what's the deal-"

"It's because I love you, okay?!"

You suddenly froze at his certain words, looking up to see his now hurtful eyes as he turned once again to face you.

He still...loves me?

"What? But I-I don't understand..." You muttered as you were quite surprised to think of words to say.

"Then just leave me the hell alone," Taehyung mumbled as he looked down in seriousness, then this time, trying to leave by heading to the stairs.

"But, Taehyu-"

You tried to approach him again, about to explain what you want him to know about as you touched his shoulder for him to stop but...


Taehyung had enough and with that, he shoved you out of his way with the strength of his arm, but little does he know...

He accidentally shoved you near the stairs, causing you to slip and fall down a huge case of it, roughly landing on the floor below.

"Oh my god! Is that ____?! Someone get her to the clinic fast!" He could hear someone screaming in fear at the same floor you're currently at as they noticed you on the floor unconscious, your head oozing blood out of it.

"Oh no..." His eyes widened in horror as he felt his heart stopped for a moment and his mind going blank.

What have I done?

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Hi, loves! Sorry for the short chappy but no worries, the other upcoming chapters will be longer and such so I hope y'all gonna look forward to it ^^

What do you guys think about the new book cover though? I like to change it to a simple one but once again, I would like to thank -cutetae for the previous cover she made (the purple one)~ Opinions are welcomed btw √

That's all. Thank you and 안녕!~❤️

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