- Chapter 40 -

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You slowly opened your eyes as you heard a voice. A voice that is too familiar for you to recognize.

"Jhona! What the hell just happened?" You exclaimed as you rushed towards her, hugging her so tight.

"I was really... fucking worried. I thought you'll be gone forever," You muttered as tears almost began to drop.

"Well, it's sad to say that it'll happen" Jhona lightly replied, while hugging you sadly in return with gloom on her face.

In response, you froze. Finally realizing the truth, you let go from the embrace and stood still for a moment.

"Why? Aren't you already dead?" You said in curiosity with a tone of sadness.

"I am. But, the pendant is what made me remain here in this world as a helping soul, to protect fellow beings from evil and chaos. Also that I have broken a promise," She explained as she paused for a little bit, trying to get herself together.

"Now that it's destroyed, the last chance given to me has come to an end..." She finished as she maintained to keep her sadness.

"Too bad, I'll never get to see you, nor you'll get to see me again...forever," She muttered as her heart felt crushed after saying it.

"But..." You paused, then held both of the sides of her arms and looked at her eyes.

"I'll always remember you here. Forever," You finished, as you slowly placed your hand on the left part of your chest along with a smile upon your face.

She in return, just held both of your hands and smiled, yet by the looks of her, she has the feeling of full gratitude and appreciation.

The light suddenly got brighter, seemingly signalling her for her return. She looked at you again for the last time, then soon she turned and hesitantly moved forward.

"Can I have a one last final hug?"

She paused as she heard your words and without hesitation, she quickly turned and hugged you as if she'll never get to see you again, tears began bursting out from her eyes as you cried as well.

"Goodbye..." She muttered as she then slowly let go and wiped away her tears, then trying to maintain a caring smile.

She turned her back, and began to walk to her destined fate, never looking back. With that, she slowly disappeared from your sight.



"Please come back..." You mumbled as you were still in a slumber with a sleeping face filled with sadness.

He slowly looked at you as he heard you mumble from your sleep on your hospital bed, along with a worried look on his face.

"____, I'm sorry I didn't get there on time." He said as he gently stroke your hair while remained seated beside the bed.


A knock on the door was heard.

"Come in." He answered.

"Good evening, sir. Anything happened to the patient lately?" The doctor questioned as he entered.

"No. She's just having a dream," He reported as he quickly moved his hand away from your head

"Hm, she must be going through something. Probably from stress I guess," The doctor muttered as he then began to scan the papers attached to the clipboard.

"Anyway. Due to the bad condition of the weather, bacteria and the overworking of her brain, she has a really high fever according to the measurement of her current temperature." The doctor diagnosed as he continued looking through his clipboard folder.

"How long does she have to stay here?" He asked.

"Don't worry, she'll stay here for just a short while since it's not much of a serious illness. Just some medication and treatment, she can go home as soon as possible. You can let her stay here for day though if you wish," The doctor replied as he shoed a positive vibe.

"Mr. Jungkook, you have an urgent call from your father," Jungkook looked to the door to see one of his bodyguard enter after knocking the door.

"I'll be back for a moment," Jungkook stated as he stood up from his seat.

"No problem," The doctor replied as Jungkook then walked out of the room along with his bodyguard.

As he walked out of the room, leaving you and the doctor alone, the doctor calmly went near you. Then, he began placing his hand on your forehead, and light started to appear.

"Who... are you?" You mumbled as you soon woke up, somehow feeling better somehow.

You noticed the man in a doctor suit, smiling so charmingly as he stood up properly.

"Well, I'm just a doctor in charge..." The doctor replied.

You then look to see his name tag on the left side of his suit, written...

"... a doctor sent from heaven." The doctor ended and with his final smile, he quietly left the room.

...Kim Jonghyun.

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I'm really sorry 😩 I'm such a bad author for making you all wonderful people wait for so long 😭😭

It's really hard to finish a book when you don't feel any determination or passion to do so *sigh* and I'm really sorry for leaving y'all hangin' (I hope you could forgive me)

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