- Chapter 38 -

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If y'all guys already watched BTS's Go Go Dance practice...


kill me now. Thanks.

lol sry for the interruption 😂😂 carry on..

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"Who is she?"

"Hm?" You then looked to see Taehyung letting out a questioning look.

"Oh, I mean-" You blurted as you started thinking on what to say.

"Ah, I forgot that my father's friend is going to visit here as well!" He said in panic as he was focused about it, making you feel relief somehow.

"Your French uncle or something?" You questioned, making sure.

"Yeah, something like that.." He affirmed.

"I'll go with y-" Before you could finish your sentence, you suddenly thought about the girl that caught your eye at the parade.

"On second thought, I'll stay here" You responded as you let out a nervous smile.

"You sure about that?" He asked as he felt unsure about your statement.

"Yeah, don't worry. I'm not that weak so I'll be fine," You answered confidently as you acted strong.

"Then call me if something happens," He said as he still felt a little worried, not knowing why.

"Alright," You stated boringly as you rolled your eyes.

How did I get his number? Well, he just give me his extra one, a new model yet hella expensive one since some admirers of him gave him two since a few of them owns a famous electronic company. Rich people, I know...

"I'll just have moment with him at the Disneyland Hotel. Call a servant to assist you there if you decide to," He advised.

"You're seriously acting like as if you're my dad," You said, feeling quite annoyed.

"You can call me daddy too-"

"No. Just go on and have a great time with that French guy as I continue looking around," You interrupted, not wanting to hear more as you gently pushed him to go on with his business.

After finally having him to proceed his way to his destination, you decided to follow the parade floats as your mind continued to fill with curiosity.

Could it be...


As you finally stopped and at your destination, you could see parade floats stop at a place where staffs usually were.

People in costumes then started going down their floats and told each other good job and other compliments to each other then soon they went to their camps to finish their working hours.

But then you haven't seen the person you've been searching for.

Then a shadowy figure is what you have noticed at the opposite side of the other cosplayers, which made you curious.

"It must be that princess one..." You muttered, then decided to follow it as the unknown being started moving.


I know it isn't a good idea, but something tells me that I must follow it...

(A/N: heh. Says every person in horror movies- lel sry carry on. ^^')

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