- Chapter 22 -

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As you smack the alarm clock off, you sleepily sat up and let out a yawn while stretching your sleepy arms.

Knock. Knock. Knock.

Slowly opening your closed eyes, then rubbing them with your hand, you let out a "Come in."

"Miss, someone told me to send this to you." The butler then entered as he reached out an envelope.

As you looked at it for a few seconds, you then took it and gave him thanks in return. After the butler bowed, he took his leave and closed the door gently.

You then got out from the bed and open the lights to brighten up the room. Then, you looked at the envelope curiosly. With that, you opened the envelope and took out a folded paper. Unfolding it, you then started to read.

I wonder who this is...

To My Dearest Hoe,

Definitely Jhona...

I would like to apologize to suddenly leave you hanging. I can see that you're surprised at my sudden disappearance but you don't have to worry, your hoe is safe *insert wink face*

Well, the reason why I left is that, my family has some kind of problem happening back in our country and since it's an emergency meeting. But I do know that we'll come back but I don't know when.

Anyways, why am I writing instead of sending you a text? Duh. It's because I care for you. Just kidding~ *insert derp face* we had a sudden flight and my phone has a dead ass battery and we have to leave right now so yeah and all important stuff were already packed including the charger (Don't worry, of course I care about you *insert heart*) and I sent the letter to the post office near the airport to give it to you.

Well, I hope that we'll continue talking or text on the phone. Don't ever forget about me, hoe. 'Kay? Bye and see you soon as possible!

-Jimin's bae

After reading the letter, you then let out a small laughter as you folded the letter and insert it back in the envelope.

"Jimin's bae..." You recalled as you let out a last short laugh.

Done reading the letter, you then started doing your morning routine, preparing to go to school.


"Hurry up, slowpoke." Taehyung called as you hurriedly went downstairs.

"Shut up- AH!" As you were carelessly taking a last few steps, you accidentally slipped, making you tumble.

"You really are a clumsy idiot, are you?" As you were expecting a thud, Taehyung luckily catches you from behind, your back landed to his arm while both of your faces were close to each other.

Both of your eyes were then staring at each other for a second.

"I-I can balance myself. So I don't need your help, stupid." You said, a bit embarassed while looking away.

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