Thank You

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It's been a long time y'all. Like a looooong long time.
(2 years of delay like wtf oof)

[This is going to be the explanation of my absence and other things I wanted to say so just a heads up for those who aren't really interested in these things lelelel]

I'm really sorry for making all of the readers wait for such a long time and I'm actually pretty much guilty of it.

Started this since 2016 but was able to finish it by 2020. Definitely a lot of things has been going on in my life during those 2 absent years.

During those 2 years is my senior highschool years and I've got to say, it was quite a hell of a ride for me. Imagine, started this as a young teen(2016), and now(2020), I'm finally an adult (I feel like an aunt now jk) :'>

I admit, I got lazy in continuing this story, but also that I was having 'those' kind of days where I just want to bury myself in a hole or something.

Well, I'm already doing fine this quarantine. It actually helped me a lot in dealing with and focus on myself more cuz my mind's quite screwed up as fuq.

I've been going through mild depression, which is not really something proud to say, to which I pretend to act normal cuz like I said, 'it's not something to be proud of' (I feel like a loser and an embarrassment if I were to be shown as weak and messed up sooo yuh). That's why I would just bingewatch some kdramas and anime while even binge-eat to remove all my stress away (makin me literally obesed af).

I stopped focusing on BTS during those times (mostly stopped after the Idol era, but I still continued watching their new MVs like ON and Black Swan) 'cause am a total (hoe) fan of different things.

Anyways, I'm slowly feeling better (not binge eating anymore and eating right this time. I also got out of the obese group yay). Especially the reason why I'm here. I decided to open Wattpad again after being offline for 2 years 'cause I want to see how it's going (I deleted my social apps about a month ago which is why I'm left with YouTube and this - v -').

The reason why it made me finish this is when I red all your comments. From Chapter 1 till Chapter 52, it never bores me in enjoying all of the wonderful and crazy responses. As I red more, it brought me back to the memories where I would appreciate and be very motivated by your comments and satisfaction with the story like a whole WHOLE lot.

Which is why I wanna thank you all again, for being the reason and my motivation to finish this story. 💖

How about the other stories? Well, I haven't checked them out for a long time as well. So, I probably won't be able to continue them sadly :(( But I guess, when I can remember the continuation of those stories, I'd prolly continue them, but I don't make any promises so ^^'

Anyways, I don't really know what to say much here now, since this story is complete and all. But I'm happy to hear your thoughts about this story so far and will be gladly appreciated! :D

Yes, there might be some errors in the new chapters, but I'll check them out again once I have time :))

Since I was ARMY-absent since 2018 or something, daheck did I miss?😂 (I know I missed a lot, but I'm missing out too much 😭😞)

Last, since it's quarantine, I wanna connect with y'all somehow, and y'all seem to not know much about me. Q&A? Get to know me (and you)? I might prolly make a new chapter for it or a video I guess (whatever you all prefer✨) But it's just a thought tho ~

Anyways, I guess that's all for now. Thank you and 안녕~ ♡

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