- Chapter 44 -

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- The Next Day -

This is fun. In the hospital again due to some stupidity I did. I don't even know if I even regret it or not.

I wonder if this is some kind of curse or something for doing shit? I guess curiosity does kill sometimes...

I just don't even know anymore...


Taehyung is currently right in front of their private jet, standing while sadly watching servants going in and out of the plane to put in his luggages.

I guess it's for the better good...

"Hey! You shithead!"

Before he could move forward, he turned to see Jungkook walking fast towards him and suddenly, he punched him right in the cheek.

"Wake up your damn mind now, you piece of shit! How dare you just decide to leave after what you've done?" Jungkook asked calmly yet with a hint of anger as he grab a hold of his collar for the second time.


"Excuse me, have you seen ____ lately?" Jungkook questioned one of his buddies who were just hanging out around the hallway.

"Haven't you heard, man? There's something going on about her ending up the hospital from falling down the stairs from what I've heard," The guy replied as he shrugged.

"Wait- What? Has someone done it or is it just some accident?" Jungkook questioned as he seemed quite curious.

"Well, they said they just saw your bro quickly going down the stairs to help out but too bad, someone already did."

That bastard!


"You're so pathetic. I thought you were a man. But you're just a mere coward," Jungkook stated as he was still in his furious state.

"I didn't do it by my own decision!" Taehyung shouted as he sounded desperate of telling the truth, making the other lad look at him in confusion.


"Taehyung," His father called him as soon as Taehyung entered the office with a hint of guilt within his expression.

"What in the world were you thinking?! And to thought you're my son studying in this school." Mr.Jonghoon exclaimed as he was quite disappointed of the certain events he's caused.

"I didn't mean to do it, dad. I just-"

Taehyung tried to explain but in a failing matter, his dad didn't give him a chance to speak.

"You've been doing poorly ever since she existed, and you've become much worse!" He scolded as he's still sat on his chair in a calming matter. Meanwhile, Taehyung didn't say anything but looking down in guilt.

Then, there was a long pause.

"You've always wanted to study in United Kingdom, right?"

Mr.Jonghoon mentioned as he took out an envelope and slowly slid it towards his son on top of his table.

"Then, to settle things peacefully for the sake of you, her, and this academy," He paused as he then looked at him seriously.

"You shall study there and never see her again."


"Then go. Run away like a fucking wimpy child you are..." Jungkook replied as he roughly let go of his older brother's collar, giving him a death stare.

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