- Chapter 48 -

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Having a talk with Mr.Jonghoon literally gave me tons of emotions altogether since yesterday.

Shock. Amazement. Pain.

"...and guilt."

Somehow, it made me regret that I somehow thought- or assumed, that the duke, is kind of a heartless person. The one who usually just focus on his duties more and just don't care about his kids and only care because they'll be the possible heirs to inherit his place. But boy, was I so wrong.

Anyways, while you were in thought, you were already right in front of the door to your house. Feeling relaxed from the atmosphere of home, you took out your spare key to unlock the door but before doing so, you noticed something on the ground, just half-slid under the door.

You picked it up, now fully knowing that it was a small folded piece of paper. After unfolding it, you then saw a message.

Meet me again at the garden?

You then tensed for a bit. Somehow, it reminded you that time when he once invited- or demanded you, to go once.

(A/N: *cough* Chapter 9 *cough*)

At some point, you began to smile from all the memories you've had with the two them since the beginning.

All the fights, the arguments, the good, bad, and funny moments...and the bonds you had together.

You began to let out a small single tear from the corner of your eye as you then red the corner of the note that red:



In the late afternoon, after asking permission from your parents, to which they agreed, you proceeded your way to the spot where you and Jungkook met once; at their garden.

You actually had a hard time deciding whether you should go, or if you can get through it after all the dramas you've been before. But finally, you've decided to finish things up as soon as possible.

Relaxingly strolling at the sidewalk, you passed by the park. Its nature and cleanliness still intact along with its refreshing scent.

When you were around your early teens, you used to bring your little sister, Taeyeon around, mostly at the playground area.

Even if you were already out of the kid's age, you still played with your sister as if the both of you were of the same age as of little kids. In short, you're still a kid at heart even until now.

You were about to continue proceeding on to your destination, until it made you stop your tracks once you spotted someone.

"Is that..."

Since you have a ton of time to spare, you decided to enter the park towards to the person you're curious about since you planned to meet Jungkook later on in the evening.

It's quite weird that there aren't a lot of people around, you thought, but you continued on walking. As you got closer to the person with his back facing you, you finally recognized him.

"Miss me already?"

A voice that deemed its sweetness and cheerful aura showing all over him made your heart beat even more faster as you are now really sure who it was.

"Hobie, it really is you!" You said happily along with an excited mood as you quickly hugged him tight.

"Glad that you still remember me," He replied, letting out his cute sunny smile that you've always miss.

Royals || Kim Taehyung X Reader X Jeon Jungkook ||Where stories live. Discover now