-Chapter 6-

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Here you are, now being punished, for being 17 minutes and 43 seconds late. To add up, this is the very first time you ever got a punishment in school.

Yes, the school punishes students being late, except on the first day of school. If it's the first time being late in school, it's a light punishment, but if the specific student is late several times, that student will receive heavy punishments like cleaning the smelly toilets for a month or punishments like that (even if you're a royal) and of course, the school will call the student's parents.

You are now in the library, where you have to stack the books in the empty shelves, which is not really a punishment for you but a reward, since you like to read, especially interesting fictions, and you can go back to class when it's recess.

(A/N: Interesting indeed.. 😌😏😏)

"Finally, I could read some fictions." You mumbled as you finished putting the 354th book, which is the last one, on the shelf.

As you went to the table to read the book you brought, which is placed on the table, you noticed someone sleeping. You went near and sat down in front of the person, and you gently tapped the person's head with your pen, which you took it from your pocket, waking that person up.

"What?" You then noticed Jungkook as he woke up, still in his grumpy state.

"Jungkook? What are you doing here? Shouldn't you be in class, angel boy?" You questioned, sarcastic at the 'angel' part.

"I was punished for sleeping during Mr. Song's class." He answered.

"The math teacher?" You said.

"Yeah. Well, it's his fault for being a boring teacher himself." He explained as he had a bored expression on his face.

"Um... I do agree on that. Especially when he's teaching like some person who just had cocaine." You added.

"I see what you mean." He said and then the both of you let out a small laugh. The both of you then suddenly stopped laughing and your expressions were in a serious state.

"What's that book you're reading though?" He questioned as he pointed at the book that you were holding.

"It's none of your business." You answered.

"Is that a guy kissing another gu-" You then quickly covered his mouth to not let him continue his sentence.

"Shh! We're in a library. A school library!" You whispered as you uncover his mouth.

He's trying to make a scheme here...

"And this is a science fiction, not a smut one." You corrected.

It's freaking Insurgent for heaven's sake!

"What's a smut?" He questioned.

Oh no... This kid's mind is so pure.

"That's not important- Wait. How do you know boy x boy stuff though?" You asked.

"Well, a lot of girls were talking about it so yeah. I also saw a girl who is reading a book with a book cover of a guy kissing another guy. I don't even know what 'x' is for anyway." He replied.

This kid is too pure and innocent...

"Oh, then just ignore it. They're not important for you to know." You said.

"But, why do you ask?" You asked.

"Nothing." He replied coldly.

"You wanted to read it, don't you?" You questioned.

"I never read such boring books liked by a plain girl." He answered.

"No wonder you had failing grades, lazy prince." You replied back.

"Like I care, lowly being." He stated.

"But you care that your dad gave you everything you want, stupid." You responded.

"He can't give me one thing that I really wanted. Even if he had a lot of money, he can't give me what I really wanted." He said.

"What do you mean?" You questioned.

"You don't understand, ____. So don't think that you know everything about me." He added.


As the school bell rang, signaling that it's finally recess, Jungkook then stood up from his seat and was about to take his leave.

"Jungkook..." You called his attention, making him stop his tracks.

"Don't you also think that you know everything about me as well. Just because you're rich, you can do whatever you want and just bully people as you please and act all mighty." You explained.

"Well, you do know that not all rich people has a happy past and a joyful life." He replied as he let out a small smile and after that, he headed out of the library.

I wonder what his problem is...

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So, looks like you and Jungkook had quite a conversation. But really, what is Jungkook's problem?

Anyways, please check out my new story, which you can find it at my profile at the 'works' list and I hope you'll check it out! (The title of the new story is OMG if you're wondering :3)

That's all and 안녕~ ♡

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