- Chapter 24 -

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Next day

After dismissal, you organized your things and finished packing your things up.

"I guess we'll see each other later on." Hoseok said as he carried his bag over his shoulder.

"Yeah. At 김전 Mall at 5 in the evening, right?" You replied.

"Yes, since it has been decided by them." He responded as he stressed the last word.

"Well, see you later then!" You said as you shortly waved him goodbye.

"Mhm." He replied as he waved back to you as well.


When you finally arrived home an hour before the outing, you decided to rest for half an hour after having a long stressful day as always.

"I wonder why Hobie's mood change when he sees the two..." You wondered as you let out a sigh.

Aish... I'll just get dressed...

You then stood up from the bed, picking what to wear from the closet, and get dressed. Wearing a gray sweater made of wool with maroon-colored jeans and short black boots, you finally finished getting dressed.


"Going somewhere, shorty?" As you went down the stairs, you saw Taehyung questioning you while leaning on a pillar while crossing his arms with a teasing smile plastered on his face.

"Oh, no. I just want to wear this for no reason at all!" You answered, hinting a sarcasm.

"Then you better not ruin your pretty outfit with your pissed off mood, plain girl." He replied.

"Whatever, little brat." You responded as you finished going down the stairs.

"Well, where are you off to?" He questioned.

"None of your busine-"

"김전 Mall, right?" He guessed with confidence.

"Pffft! No..." You replied as you tried to act like he's wrong, but it was obvious.

"I'm going there as well, if you're wondering." He said.

"Who ask?" You replied as you were not really looking forward to what he'll say.

"Can't you ask any other nice questions?" He questioned as he was annoyed by your answer.

"No." You simply replied, not caring about it at all.

"Alright then." He stated as he then took out his phone and kept on tapping.

"Rule number 7. You should not go out without the permission of Mr. Jong-hoon..." He red the text written on his screen as he showed you, making you read it.


"..Unless you're going with one of Mr. Jong-hoon's sons. Jeon Jungkook..." He paused as he then looked at me in the eyes.

"...and me." He continued as he then let out a teasing smirk on his face.

"Wait. I didn't know that rules exist!" You exclaimed as you were shocked to hear about it.

"Well, now you know." He simply stated as he put back his phone in his pocket.

"I wonder what will happen if my father has found out about you breaking one of the rules..." He added as he looked up, pretending to wonder.

Royals || Kim Taehyung X Reader X Jeon Jungkook ||Where stories live. Discover now