- Chapter 52 -

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Y'all! Have you already watched our boys' new MV??? They slayin' it and lit af 💖 so proud of them as always :'))

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So, after our 2 day business trip in Busan, I was able to find Jungkook's mother in just one day, one night-


You flinched in surprise as you heard your little sister began to sing from what she heard from her earphones.

"Oh my g- Quiet down, Taeyeon. You scared the living hell out of me," You said, annoyed as your sister kept on singing nonetheless.


"Taeyeon, if you're going to sing, please do so outside."

Your mother reminded as she entered your room, who's also quite irritated by the loudness.

"Told you so," You mentioned.

"Fine. Such killjoys..." Your little sister huffed, her mood lessened and crossed her arms as she muttered her second sentence.

Anyways, we're already back here in Seoul after 2 days in Busan and Jungkook's mother mentioned that she'll arrive here by today.

"Mom, I'm gonna head out now!" You told as you checked the time on the clock, quickly getting up and heading out for the door.

"Take care, sweetie!" Your mother replied as she went back to do her motherly duties.

Where are you going? Well, to go to Jungkook of course.

Hope it'll turn out good somehow...


You were currently waiting at the designated place that you and Jungkook decided on yesterday through text, which is a place that's with its own privacy and less known.

Which is why you both decided to be at Hope's.

"Welcome to Jay Hope's Cafe! What would you like to order?" A cheery cashier greeted as she flashed up a genuine smile.

The place is empty, in terms of people, which is great since there aren't any other people who came here in the afternoon but mostly on mornings and some at evenings.

"Just the special iced coffee will do," You replied as you smiled back.

"Alright, our special iced coffee will be done in no time," She said, typing on the cash register.

You then paid her once she had stated the given amount with no problems.

"Enjoy your time, miss!"

After having your last talk with her, you headed your way towards your seat, which is in a perfect place for a private conversation.

As you sat down, you took out your phone and decided to text Jungkook's mother.

To: Jungkook's mom

I'm already here, Mrs. Jeon :) Jungkook will arrive sooner or later

After a short while, you received a reply.

To: You

Oh, is that so? Well, I'm almost there too ^^ probably 5 minutes

You smiled at her reply and text back okay in return.

"Here's your special iced coffee!"

The one who's also the cashier went towards you along with a tray that has your iced coffee on it, now placing it on the table in front of you.

"Oh, that was fast. Thanks!" You satisfyingly replied.

"No prob. Enjoy!" She replied and before she could turn, you quickly glanced on her name tag for a short while then she left.

"Lisa..." You muttered as you then looked down on your coffee.

"She looks pretty..." You added as you were playing around with the straw.

"Pretty who?"

You heard someone's familiar voice and you slightly flinched when you felt a pair of hands covering your sight from behind.

"J-Jungkook? Gosh, you scared me!" You exclaimed as you gently try to pry his hands off from you.

"Or am I Jungkook?" He said, playing around as his hands didn't move an inch with ease while you were hardly trying to move his hands away.

"You can't fool me, I know you..." You responded, quite annoyed as you have given up to even try anymore.

"Well, that sucks" He replied as he freely moved his hands away from you and went towards his seat across yours in a chill manner.

"Too bad then," You talked back, placing the straw in the hole of the cup.

"Well, it's nice to see you again" Jungkook said as he looks at you with a sincere smile on his face, which made you think that he looks cute when he does that.

And in the end, it made you blush in return.

"I-It's good to see you too. But a-anyways," You responded, trying to hide the blush on your face which seemed impossible anyways.

"How was your trip to Busan so far?" He questioned.

You felt that he's asking of a more specific question behind it, which is... if you have seen his mother during your trip. But first, you decided to answer his stated question first.

"It was fun, and also interesting I guess..." You answered as you let out a pause.


Before you could add more to your conversation, you could sense your phone vibrating on top of your table. Quickly glancing at it, you immediately saw that it's Jungkook's mother.

"Sorry, i gotta restroom for a moment" You stated as you quickly got up from your seat and immediately left with all your things.

"S-Sure," He replied as he just looked at you leaving, quite confused.



You heaved out a sigh as you were in the restroom already, placing your bag on top of the sink.

"I guess it's up to her now," You muttered as you took a sip from the straw of your drink while staring at the mirror.


"Hm, I wonder what's taking her so long..." Jungkook mumbled as he's still remain seated, bored.



Upon hearing that sound.


That all too familiar sound.


He turned to see who it was.


Though he already knew who that person is.



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Hello, pipolz! I finally updated (although it's quite short huhu) but yeah being a student once again is tough work as always. This year, am mostly bombarded with activities, projects, and events all at once 😵 (and some presentations only had like very short deadlines so 😷)

But anyways, just so remember, that I won't abandon this story without it being complete. So, I apologize once again that it may take a while, but thank you for your patience and time! Love you all so much~ 💖

That's all! Thank you and 안녕!~❤️

Royals || Kim Taehyung X Reader X Jeon Jungkook ||Where stories live. Discover now