- Chapter 21 -

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"Good morning, everyone! My name is Jung Hoseok. Please take care of me!" The guy, who is know called as 'Jung Hoseok', introduced himself as he slightly bowed with a simple cheery smile on his face.

You could then hear soft giggles and mutters around the atmosphere, mostly girls who are talking about how cute he is after he finished his introduction.

"Quiet, class!" Your teacher silenced the class, making the atmosphere quiet again.

"Mr. Jung, please take any vacant seat available for now and you'll seat at your original seat tomorrow." The teacher said as she showed a kind smile.

"Alright, Ma'am." He replied as he smiled back and after that, he started to scan any vacant seats.

After scanning, he then started walking his way, his way near you, walking like an elegant man. Then before you knew it, he sat beside you.

"It seems like we meet again." He said with his cheery smile.

"G-Guess so..." You replied as you let out a nervous laugh.

"Okay, class. We're now going to resume our discussion!" The teacher then called all of the students' attention and with that, she started teaching her topics.



"Class dismissed." The teacher said as she took her stuff and left.

"Hey, ____. Want me to walk you home?" Hoseok then asked you as his smile is still as angelic as ever.


"Yah, plain girl!" The both of you then turned to see Jungkook calling you.


"Sorry, but I have to deal with that little kid. Maybe next time?" You replied.

"No problem!" He responded with a smile.

"See you later then. Bye, ____!" He said as gave a short wave and left.

"Bye!" You responded as you gave a small wave as well.

"Plain girl!" Jungkook called once again as he went up to you.

"Geez... this guy always has to ruin the mood..." You muttered.

"Yah! Can't you see I'm busy talking to someone?" You said as you were irritated of his disturbance.

"Not like I care, potato." He replied with a bored look on his face, not giving a single crap about it.

"You're such a killjoy, Squidward." You stated.

"And what's a Squidward if I may ask?" He questioned.

He doesn't even know nor watch cartoons?

"Find it out yourself. I'm sure that you'll love it." You said as you stressed on the last part, showing sarcasm within your tone.

"Sorry, but I'm not interested in your little interests, little kid." He replied.


The both of you then turned to see the teacher standing between while crossing her arms with an angered expression on her face, calling both of your attention.

"S-Sorry, Ma'am." You and Jungkook then suddenly faced the teacher and apologised while your heads facing down.

"Good thing it's dismissal because if this happened during school hours, I will put you both in toilet duty." The teacher stated as she then continued walking her way and left.

"It's all your fault, stupid." You muttered.

"Whatever." Jungkook replied as he then proceeded his way out of the school as you followed.


When you had finally arrived at the mansion and changed into your comfortable clothing, you finally decided to take a peaceful sleep since you already finished your task...

Knock. Knock. Knock.

... or so you thought.

"Hey, Potato." Jungkook then suddenly barged in while calling you.

"What now?" You questioned, irritated.

"You do remember that you'll tutor me, right?" He reminded as you started remembering, which a couple of seconds later, you did.

"O-Oh..." Is all you could ever say as you quietly let out a nervous laugh while scratching the back of your head.

"You better hurry, plain girl." After that, he left and went his way to his room, not even bothering to close the door before leaving.

What a rude freak...

Soon, while letting out a sigh, you went out of the room and closed the door then you proceeded your way to his room.

"So slow..." Jungkook stated as he was sitting down on the chair in front of the study table, chilling, while you entered the room.

"I have no time to listen to your whiny ass. If you don't like it, then I'll just leave, jerk." You said as you were about to leave.

"5,000,000 won..." He reminded as he's still relaxed.



Wait 'till I finish the contract and smack you in the face while waving my 5,000,000 won, you arrogant bastard...


"...and that's correct." You lazily muttered as you closed the Science textbook, your elbow resting on top of the table while your chin on top of the palm of your hand.

"I don't get why you want me to tutor you when you already know it." You stated as you looked at Jungkook.

"Really?" He casually responded.

"I just tutored you for like 5 minutes." You replied.

"I just don't get several parts, that's all." He said.

"Then that means my work here is done." You said as you then stood up from your seat.

"Wait." As you were about to leave, Jungkook grabbed your wrist to prevent you to take another step and pulled you closer.

You then quickly blushed as your face is just inches away from his. The both of you then were staring at each other's eyes, like if time had stopped.

"Yah! W-What are you doi-"

"Your notebook." He said as he broked the silence after almost a minute of you two staring each other.

"O-Oh right, thanks..." You said as you quickly stood up properly while snatching your notebook from him, your face still blushing.

Stupid me...

"You're so cute when you're embarrassed." He muttered as he let out a chuckle.

"What?" You asked, not sure of what he had said.

"I said that you should always remember your belongings, air-head." He answered in a teasing tone.

"Shut up, asshole. Hmph!" You replied, irritated, while you turned around and stomped out of his room.

Just like the old times... Jungkook said in thought as he let out a soft smile on his face.

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Just as I promised, here it is! (Even if it's a little late though ^^' But better late than never, right? 😉)

Anyways, thank you so much and 안녕~ ♡

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