- Chapter 28 -

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"I actually liked you since we became best friends."

"YAAAAAAAAAH! GET A HOLD OF YOURSELF, STUPID!" You screamed as you slapped yourself a couple of times to quickly forget that memory that had happened last night.

"I'm just gonna call that hoe." You muttered, talking about your best friend, as you took out your phone and looked through your contracts and pressed the contact then started calling, which starts to ring.

"Yeoboseyo? What you want, hoe?" Your best friend replied as she accepted the call.

"Yah, I just want to tell you something..." You said as you paused, feeling uncertain. 

"What, you got kissed by them ex's?" Jhona replied in a calm tone yet with an obvious teasing tone combined.

I swear I can imagine her doing a Lenny face right now...

"Actually, yeah..." You confirmed as your tone felt admitting defeat.

"Oh shxt, I actually got it right?-" Jhona exclaimed as she was surprised by it.

"I-I mean. Of course I knew that..." She added as you can notice her arrogant voice at her statement.

"Wait, WHAT?!" She exclaimed once again as she was now shocked of your statement.


"YES, BXTCH. IT MADE ME FEEL SO...mindless." You stated as you felt stressed out.

"Psh! You just enjoyed that moment, hoe." She replied, teasing you again.

"Of course not..." You responded in return, denying it. 

"Like WHY AM I CURSED BY THOSE MONSTERS..." You whined while in a calm yet annoyed state.

"Pft... more like giving you 'blessings.'" She corrected, and there you felt that she was doing the Lenny face again.

"Come on, hoe. I'm trying to be serious here." You said as your voice sounded in a stern way and in return, she just agreed boringly.

"What the heck am I gonna do?" You questioned as you are feeling lost on what to do.

"What else? Just go with the flow..." She replied calmly as she paused, trying to think certain ways for it.

"But well, you just can't ignore them like that. Especially that you're under their father's contract." She added as she felt a bit problematic helping her best friend.

"I know." You stated as you sighed.

"You know what, let me tell you. Just don't overthink about it. You should mostly focus on your studies. You better maintain that 1st honor spot, right?" She advised, trying to make you feel relaxed and not worry too much.

"Thanks..." You replied as you felt a bit relieved, letting out a calm smile.

"Yah, don't let them distract you. Arasseo?"

"Of course. I won't let them evil spirits get to me."



So much for evil spirits...

"U-UHM..." You flinched and stopped daydreaming as you quickly jolted up from your seat. 

"It's the very first time that I've seen you not paying attention in class, Ms.____." Your Math teacher scolded as she looked at you while her arms were crossed.

"S-Sorry." You apologized as you were embarrassed.

"Then, solve this to make it up." She stated as she pointed on the board, signalling for you to solve a specific math problem. In reply, you stood up quietly and went towards the board and started writing.

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