- Chapter 31 -

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In the late afternoon, you started to get dressed and prepared before going to the place you've been waiting for with Taehyung, who you will be currently with later on.

"Yah, shorty! What's taking so long?" You heard Taehyung calling you outside of your room as you were busy preparing yourself.

"I'm almost done! Just give me a second!" You called back as you finished putting on some finishing touches and after that, you headed towards the door.

"I'm done." You said as you opened the door to see Taehyung right in front of you, which you noticed that he had an unsatisfied reaction as you came out.

"Idiot, are you seriously going to Epicure with your outfit like that?" He questioned as he looked at you from head to toe with a displeased expression on his face while his arms were crossed.

"Yah! What's wrong with it? We're just going to eat there and not have a fashion show there." You stated as you pouted, quiet mad of his reaction to you.

"But, you wouldn't like it if people, who are also foreign, to keep staring at us thinking that I'm bringing a homeless girl." He said.

"Yah! How dare you-"

"Okay. We don't have enough time to blabber around. We'll go find something nice for you to replace that what you call clothing of yours." He said as he quickly grab a hold of your hand and continued dragging you with him downstairs.

"Rude..." You muttered as you soon didn't noticed that your cheeks were burning up as you didn't say another word.


As the both of you were in a moving luxurious car, you both have finally arrived to your destination.

You and Taehyung were then assisted outside of the car and entered a huge building with a bodyguard coming along as you didn't care to scan the place.

"Wait-" You paused as you stopped your tracks.

"Is this the actual Galeries Lafayette Haussmann?!" You exclaimed as you were surprised from what you have seen

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"Is this the actual Galeries Lafayette Haussmann?!" You exclaimed as you were surprised from what you have seen.

"Yes. Now let's hurry up and find you something suitable, little kid." He said as he started walking off.

"What do you mean?" You questioned as you were quiet not sure what he's  talking  about.

As the two of you were walking with the bodyguard behind, you could notice well-known fashion brands like Louis Vuitton, Chanel, Escada, Prada, and so forth.

Taehyung soon finally stopped his tracks as he spotted a certain outfit that catches his eye.

"Please wait here." He stated to the bodyguard, giving an order as the bodyguard followed and started waiting beside the store.

Royals || Kim Taehyung X Reader X Jeon Jungkook ||Where stories live. Discover now