-Chapter 9-

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On the next day, as usual, you woke up early in the morning and getting yourself ready for school. As you finished, as always, you checked the two little demons' rooms to see if they're awake and surprisingly, they're not in their rooms.


When you finished checking their rooms, you then went downstairs to eat your breakfast.

"Where are the two young lads?" You questioned to the butler.

"Oh, they already went ahead, miss." The butler answered.

"What?!-ehem. Have they eaten their breakfast." You asked as you let out a scoff.

"Yes. It's really surprising for them to go to school this early." The butler said as he fixed his glasses.

Me as well...

"Anyways, please have your breakfast, miss. We already prepared french toasts and scrambled egg." The butler added.

"Oh, thanks." You responded and with that, you went to the dining table and ate two french toast and a scrambled egg.

As you finished eating your breakfast and brush your teeth once again, you're now taking your leave to school by a luxurious car.

When you finally arrived at school, you proceeded your way to the classroom. As you entered the classroom, you saw few students doind random stuff like chatting with their friends and so forth since you still have a lot of time till school starts.

"Yo, hoe!" You then startled as Jhona suddenly tackled you from behind in a hug.

"What the-" You blurted.

"Hehehe..." She let out a short laugh.

"Anyways, you have explaining to do." She added as she held your hand and dragged you to her table.

"So, time for you to explain." She said as you sat down on an empty seat while she sat down on her seat, facing in front of you.

You then let out sigh.

"Fine. I was called by the principal because he wants me to help his sons to become better heirs, that's why in return, he'll give me a good offer and let me stay in their mansion blah blah blah and etc." You explained in a whispering matter as you don't want the other students to hear except for your best friend.

"Really?!" Jhona exclaimed in a whispering tone as she was surprised by your statement.

"But, how's living there so far?" She asked as she let out a teasing smirk on her face.

"Yah!" You said.

"Fine. Fine. Go on." She replied as she then continued listening.

You then continued explaining the whole situation to her as she listened to every detail you said. You had no problem about telling it to her since she's a trusting friend you know.

"But why are those two guys early? It's kind of a rare sight." Jhona questioned as she was talking about Jungkook and Taehyung, which the both of them are on their seats minding their own business.

"Ask them, not me." You responded.

"But, you promise to not tell anyone about this?" You said, making sure.

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