-Chapter 2-

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"Finally, class is over." You sighed in relief as you and your best friend, Jhona, went out of the classroom.

"It's just lunch, 바보 (idiot). We still have classes later on." Jhona reminded as the both of you continued walking towards the cafeteria.

"And since when did I become an idiot?" You asked as raised an eyebrow while continued walking.

"Ever since you've been humiliated by your ex." Jhona answered as the both of you entered the cafeteria.

"That's the past, hoe. And it's ex-crush.Just focus on the present and the future." You said as the both of you proceeded to the cafeteria line.

"Which you still didn't forget about it." Jhona added.

"Whatever. One chicken salad and apple juice, please." You then stated your order to the vendor while Jhona did the same and started waiting for your orders. As the food is all ready and placed on the tray, you and Jhona took your own trays then proceeded to a vacant table.

"Well, stressed being seatmates with your ex? At least you have a chance to love him again." Jhona teased, trying to cheer you up in a different way as she made a teasing face.

"Ex-'crush', babo. Plus, hell no I'm going to love that arrogant ass brat." You corrected her, but somehow you slowly cheered up because of the stupid face she made.

"Ouch..." She replied like she was shot dramatically. Yes, she's one of the members of the drama club.

"Seriously..." You said as you laughed at her over dramatic act.

"Well, I wonder why you hate Jungkook though... I mean, he is nice and all." Jhona wondered as she took a bite from her food.

You went silent as you then remembered something, your face in a serious state while looking down at your food.

"Yah! are you alright?" Jhona questioned as she called your attention.

"A-Ah! Yeah, sorry... I just dozed off from not having much sleep last night." You replied as you let a short nervous laugh while ruffling the back of your head.

"Oh well. We better hurry though. We have like, 10 minutes left until class starts." Jhona reminded and with that, the both of you continued eating your lunches.

When lunch is over, the both of you then went to the Science laboratory to take your Science class, which is your favorite subject... or not.

As the both of you entered, you saw 1 table at the second front row with two empty seats while the other table at the last row has 1 seat available since someone is sitting on the other seat.

"Hey! Let's sit togeth-" Jhona then cut off her sentence as she saw Jimin with no one sitting beside him.

"I mean, I mostly want to sit at the back since like I said, I really don't like to sit at the front. See ya!" Jhona said as she quickly went to take her seat beside Jimin.

You lying hoe... You stated in you thoughts but you just let out a sigh and proceeded to take your seat.

Oh my god... His seat is behind me? You thought as you let out a groan while you saw Taehyung.

"So, we meet again. Mrs. Top 1." Taehyung said as he let out a fake smile.


"Ehem. Good morning, students." An old man, worn in a polo, pants, leather shoes, and a lab coat, greeted as he entered the laboratory.

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