- Chapter 17 -

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When the three of you finished unpacking your things, which is not a hard thing to do since you three only brought a few clothes, the three of you then proceeded to the kitchen to have your lunch.

On the table, is where there are plates, bowls, chopsticks, and the most important, many delicacies placed on the table. Chicken, veggies, kimchi, fish, and fruits are set on the table, their delicious aroma roaming the atmosphere, making you wanting to eat it right now. Mostly chicken~

"Take your seat and eat~" Your mother said in a happy tone as she set a pot of cream chicken soup on the table.

(A/N: Cream Chicken Soup is actually one of my favorite food *drools* ( * ㄱ * ))

In response, the three of you took your seats. Your mom was sitting right in front of you while you, on the other hand, are sitting between Jungkook and Taehyung, which you don't even know why you're sitting between them in the first place but you don't even care since you wanted to eat.

"Oh, Taeyeon. Let's eat!" Your mom said as she noticed Taeyeon entering the kitchen and took her seat beside your mom.

"Never eaten these kind of food before." Taehyung said as he stared at the food.

"Just try it, idiot." You responded as you took a good amount of kimchi using your chopsticks and placed it in Taehyung's bowl.

"____, that's not a nice way to call a kind young lad like him." Your mom scolded in a gentle manner as she then continued eating her food.

Sure, very kind indeed...

"But he does look like a weirdo, Mom." Taeyeon blurted as she is chewing a bite from her food.

I love you so much lil' sis...

"Pft..." You almost choke from your little sister's surprising statement but you quickly covered your mouth with your hand. Then, you could notice Taehyung's face having an irritated expression yet trying to keep his kind-looking one.

"Taeyeon, manners!" Your mother scolded your sister, but in a light way since she is still a little kid.

After all the fuss, all of you then continued eating. Sooner or later, all of you seemed to be finished eating all the delicious food.

"Excuse me, young lad. But can you help me take the dishes and bring them in the sink?" Your mother said as she was asking a request to Taehyung.

"Of course, Aunt (M/N)." Taehyung replied with a smile which you could already sense that he was faking it as always.

"And ____, would you bring Taeyeon in her room and help her with her homework?" Your mother questioned as she stacked several plates.

"I will." You replied in a 'whatever' tone since you always help your little sister with her homework and assignments.

"Oh! Also, let Jungkook come along." Your mother added as she had a cheerful smile on her face.

"But, mom. I don't wanna be with that seagull." Taeyeon whined.

"Taeyeon, you shouldn't be rude to our guests." Your mom lectured.

"It's alright, Taeyeon. Let's go do your homework." You said as you let out a smile, telling her that it's okay.

"Well, now. Off you go! We still have dishes to do. Let's go, dear!" Your mother said as she held a stack of plates and went to the kitchen as Taehyung did the same.

Royals || Kim Taehyung X Reader X Jeon Jungkook ||Where stories live. Discover now