-Chapter 15-

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Harharhar! Fabulous RapMon though 😂

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After checking on Jungkook, you went to Taehyung's room and as always, he would always tease and irritate you. Soon, you finally finished your task for today and headed to your room to finally get some sleep.


The next day is the day where it now begins the sleepover between you and the brothers at your house, which is kind of awkward since your house is nothing compared to theirs. Shaking off the thought, as you already finished doing your morning routine, you then just took your two bags and headed your way downstairs.

"The transport has arrived, Milady." The butler said as he stood in a proper posture as always.

"I see. Thank you!" You replied and let out a smile.

"Let me help you with that, Madam." He said as he let out his hand, asking to carry your bag for you.

"Y-You don't have to..." You hesitated, but he just took your bag in a polite way nonetheless.

Guess they're doing their job...

"This way, Milady." He said as he led the way as you followed.

As you and the butler went outside, you were already now in front of the car. Not a limo but a black BMW M5s since a limo will make a huge attraction in the neighborhood you lived in because they never saw one in real life before, not even once.

"The masters are already inside." The butler reminded as he finished putting your bags inside the trunk of the car.

"Oh, thank you." You replied as you let out a smile.

And when the butler assisted you to go inside the car and gave his final bow, he closed the front door of the car and the driver started driving.

As the car is moving, you look at the back to check up on the two and as a result, you saw the both of them sleeping peacefully, and quiet distant from each other.

These brats still doesn't have enough sleep...

But sooner or later, you fell asleep as well.


"We have arrived, Milady." You then suddenly woke up as you were called by the driver beside you.

"R-Right. Um, guys, wake u-" As you looked at the back, they were not there.

Where the heck did those brats go...

"Right this way, Milady." The driver said as he opened the car door and guided you out of the car.

"Hi, dear!" You then turned to see your mom calling you excitedly while waving her hand up high.

"Mom!" You replied back as you went and hugged her like it will be the last time.

"I never knew that you were tasked to help these fine young men!" She sheepishly said as you looked at the two brats you've been looking for, showing their charming yet fakeful smiles.

Never knew that they could change their sleepy and boring faces to a gentle and kind looking ones...

"I never knew that your daughter had a beautiful mother." Taehyung said as he let out a gentle smile.

"Oh, stop flattering me." Your mother replied as she was delighted by Taehyung's compliment.

"Please accept this gift, Miss." Jungkook then stood as he handed a small gift bag to your mother.

As your mother accepted it, she opened it and she took out a rather expensive looking box and opened it to see a fancy necklace made with real gold.

"Oh, dear. You don't have to give something so expensive." Your mother replied as she put the box with the necklace in it in the gift bag and tried to return it to Jungkook.

"I insist. Please accept our gratitude for your daughter's wonderful help." He responded so kind and sincere like an act of an angel as always.

"Oh, alright. Thank you so much!" Your mother said as she held the gift bag with a dearly smile on her face.

"Mom, can we just lead them to their room?" You questioned with a hint of a peevish tone within it.

"Right! Sorry for the long wait, your highnesses." She answered as she apologetically bowed at them.

"No worries, Miss. Just call us by our first names." Taehyung replied, again with the smile.

"Anyways, let's just go-"

"By the way..." Your mother interrupted as she called the attention of the two boys.

"Yes, Miss?" They both questioned.

"Do any of you, perhaps, have any interest of my daughter-"

"Mom!" You stopped your mom to say another word as you and the two brothers were surprised by her question.

"Oh, alright. By the way, just call me 'Aunt (M/N (mother's name)).'" Anyways, let us show you to your rooms!" Your mother said cheerfully as she went inside the house.

"What are you doing?" Taehyung questioned the driver as he noticed the driver who just put their bags, including yours on the ground.

"I was tasked by your father to just let the two of you to carry your own bags, your highnesses." The driver replied and after giving his final bow, he went back to the car and left.

"Tch." Taehyung muttered.

"Yah! Are you two coming or what?" You questioned as you took your bags.

"Well, do you mind carrying my bags?" Taehyung demanded.

Is he really that lazy?

"You do know that I can call your father right now, right? And how dare you ask a girl to carry your bag." You replied back while feeling offended.

"I don't see you as a girl though." He said.

This idiot...

"Sweetie! Are you three coming?" Your mother called as she was at the door, waiting.

"We're coming!" You answered.

"Just deal with it and not make anymore problems." You said to the two of them and with that, the two of them just took their own bags since they have no choice, and the three of you headed your way to your house.

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Wazzup! It's been several weeks since I've update!

Sorry for a very late update though but I'll try to update as much as possible ^^'

Anyways, thank you and 안녕~ ♡

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