- Chapter 23 -

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"Jungkook, let go! It hurts!" You said as you struggled your wrist out from his grip.

In response, he let his grip off from your wrist, then faced you with an unreadable look on his face.

"You better careful, ____. They might be not as good as you think. Especially that Jimin guy." Jungkook said as he looked at me straight in the eyes.

"Sure, mom." You replied as you exaggerated the last word.

"Just trying to warn you, shorty." He said as he let out a teasing smile on his face.

"Oh, really? And since when do you care about me, jerk?" You asked as you looked at him with a suspicious look on your face.

"Hm... since when did I really care for a potato?" He wondered as looked up, pretending to think.

"You're such a-"


Are you kidding me right now...

"Well... looks like we were a little too late." He said as he shrugged his shoulders, not really caring about it.

"Late? We already missed the assembly!"

"And let's just go back to the classroom now, potato." He stated as he held your hand once again and dragged you with him on the way to the classroom.

"Why are you acting so different to me right now..." You muttered in a soft voice as you looked down in unknown emotions dwelling up on you as you continued walking with him, his hand still holding yours.

As Jungkook heard your question, he continued walking as he pretended that he didn't hear you...

...his expression saddened after while you unnoticed it.

After the assembly,  all the students went back to their respective classrooms while teachers are getting their things from the faculty room before starting their class.


Since Taehyung is here today, Hoseok was then transferred to his now permanent seat, which is not that far, but not that close either. Feels bad man...

"Alright, class. Today, we have a new student joining us today." Our adviser announced as she fixed and placed the stack of papers on her desk.

It's kinda weird that we keep on having new students...

"You may come in now." The teacher commanded loud enough for the new student to enter the classroom.

The door then opened, the atmosphere so quiet while the students were waiting to see the new student in curiosity. The student entered, footsteps were heard as the new student walked and stood beside the desk and faced in front of the students.

It's the one I've met before...

"Greetings. The name is Min Yoongi. Nice to meet you all." The new student briefly introduced himself as he leaves a cool aura in the atmosphere.

" The new student briefly introduced himself as he leaves a cool aura in the atmosphere

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